Forty Four. Under An Italian Sky

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The last four days have been heavenly

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The last four days have been heavenly. After Harry's last show at Wembley he hosted a small party at his home and I met so many of his friends and family for the first time. Everyone was so nice and welcoming and I felt right at home. The cutest thing was how proud Harry was to introduce me to everyone.

He told me everyone loved me and that it meant the world to him to see me surrounded by all the people who meant the world to him. He asked me how I felt about his home and if I could be happy and comfortable living there. I told him I loved England and that I'd follow him anywhere if that's what he wanted.

As we arrived in Bologna for his final show tonight we were immediately whisked away to a home where we were all staying together. A large group accompanied us and it was going to be a real family affair. I love how supportive and loving they are with him and he's the same to them in return. The show is tomorrow and he's been bouncing off the walls today. I'm not sure if he's just really nervous or anxious or a combination of both.

As we lay down for the night to sleep he tosses and turns and I know he's not sleeping. "You know I dream of it sometimes." He says, catching me off guard in the darkness, the house quiet and still.

I roll over on my side to face him, hardly any of his features visible because of how dark it is. "Dream of what?" I ask. His fingertips gently run up and down the length of my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake.

"Our life. What it was like with you back then." When he mentions back then I know exactly what he's referring to. I didn't know he'd had these dreams too. I pull myself into a sitting position beside him.

"You have? You didn't tell me. What did you dream?" I ask, giving him my full attention now.

He mirrors my movement and joins me in sitting against the headboard. "It's usually just bits and pieces of us...happy, we are really, really happy. The last one I had I saw a child."

That one sentence made my breath hitch. "A child? How come you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't tell you because I was processing it all myself. It's a bit weird to have these dreams or glimpses or whatever we're calling it. They catch me off guard, but one thing is for certain....we're really fucking happy." He interlaces his fingers with mine and it makes my heart skip a beat.

I wanted to tell him of my most recent dream where I saw the dark blue velvet box, but I didn't want to make him think I was pressuring him about a permanent commitment. I had hopes that this is where we were headed, but I wasn't a hundred percent sure. I hear him exhale a deep breath and I so wish I could read his mind at this moment. I feel as if something is weighing on his mind, but instead he chooses to pull me in for a cheek kiss and a cuddle and then we fall back asleep.

The next morning I wake and the spot beside me is empty and I make my way into the kitchen and the house is buzzing. There's laughter and happiness and so much love. Gemma hands me a cup of coffee and she motions her head to indicate Harry is outside on the patio.

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