Thirty Nine. Back To You

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It's been three days since I spoke with Everleigh

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It's been three days since I spoke with Everleigh. I have wanted to call her, or at the minimum to just text her, but I've held true to my word that I'd give her a few days. That doesn't mean I have to be happy about it however. It's been nearly four months since I've seen her and it was all just stupid really. So much wasted time. I don't plan on wasting anymore. I'll do whatever I need to in order to give us the fair chance that we deserve.

Brad called me an hour ago to check on me and ask me to lunch and for a final fitting on my suit for the wedding. When I groan he tells me that it would make Vicks happy and earn some of my points back with her. I know he's right so I agree to meet him.

When I arrive to the restaurant I find Victoria sitting with Brad.

"I come in peace." I hold my hands up as I approach her.

"Come here you fucking idiot." She stands and surprisingly she hugs me. I take a seat across from the two of them and after we order Vicks gives me the stare down.

"What are you doing Harry?"

"Ummm I just ordered food."

"No, I mean actually what are you still doing here?" She asks again.

When I give her a confused look she rolls her eyes before she speaks.

"Why aren't you in New York already?" She asks.

"Because she told me to give her space?" I reply.

"Since when do you start doing what people tell you to?" She laughs and Brad laughs also.

"Maybe since I'm trying to get my girl back." I reply, still confused as to where this is headed.

"Go get her. Mate, go fucking get her." Victoria says as she reaches across the table for my hand.

"What if she-"

"Harry, she's my best friend. I know her better than she knows herself. Believe me when I say she wants you to chase her. Go get her. Show her you want her."

"Are you sure? I don't know Vicks." I scratch the back of my neck, ripe with nerves now.

"You're Harry fucking Styles. You stand on stages and perform for tens upon tens of thousands of people. You do the big things Harry. Go get her. Do the big things."

She's right. Listening to Everleigh and doing things as she's wanted has been a mistake. I did it because I wanted to do everything right. Brad looks to her and smiles. He knows. When my eyes meet his he gives me a nod and tells me the plane is ready when I am.

"Fuck. I'm doing this. I'll just run home and pack. You know what, on second thought I'm just going. I'll grab clothes while I'm there right? I think I have clothes at the loft."

It's been a bit since I've been to my place in New York City but it will be the perfect place to take her to. I'll carry her out of her apartment if I have to. I'm going to New York. I'm going to fix this now.

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