Twelve. Time after time

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Having Everleigh here at my parents house and watching her interact with my family is making me feel a way that I never felt possible

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Having Everleigh here at my parents house and watching her interact with my family is making me feel a way that I never felt possible. Mum is beside herself with joy. Dad is impressed. I think he's actually surprised that someone as smart as she is would actually like me. Gemma is besotted already. As for me, I'm quite besotted as well.

As we say our goodbyes she hugs each of them, even my father which is something I haven't done in years. While Gemma has Ever's attention Mum pulls me aside and tells me not to mess this up and that she has a good feeling about her. We walk hand in hand to my car and I open her door and she kisses me before she slides into her seat. I'm completely a goner.

We make the drive back to the cottage and she tells me how lovely my family is and thanks me again for bringing her along and introducing her. We arrive and I run around to open her door for her and hold her hand as we walk to the door. I fish for the keys in my pocket and she walks in front of me to enter and I close and lock the door behind me. She says she's going to change clothes really quick and I tell her I'm going to do the same.

I decide on a pair of joggers and no shirt because it's so warm outside and even with all the windows open and the back door bringing the ocean breeze in, it's boiling in here. I'd love to ditch the joggers and just do boxers, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable. She joins me and she's wearing a pair of gym type shorts and a mens type tank top. I try not to stare, but it's impossible. She notices.

"It's so warm in here Harry. It's January, what is happening?" She asks.

"Having a bit of a rogue heat wave. It's typical of Florida isn't it? Never know what to expect." I reply.

"Can I get you something to drink or anything before I sit down?" She asks.

"I'm good thank you. Come sit with me." I pat the open spot beside me.

She fidgets nervously and finally sits down beside me.

"I can't believe it's back to school in a few days." She says.

"I can't believe I'm graduating in a few months." I run my hands through my hair.

"Do you know what your plans are after graduation?" She asks as she turns her body to face me.

"I thought I did. I'm not so sure now." I laugh.

"What does that mean?" She asks.

"I was going to head straight back to London. Maybe try to get a job at the paper to begin with, but I don't think I'm doing that now." I turn to face her as well.

"Why not?" She asks.

"You're really asking me that?" I chuckle.

Her eyes widen as if she's just figured out the answer. It shouldn't be a big surprise to her honestly.

"I'd never want to hold you back Harry." She says.

"Let's just see how this feels by then." I say matter of factly.

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