Fifteen. Birthday

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Harry wasn't going to tell me about his birthday, but thankfully Niall made mention of it one day when Katie and I were having coffee with Niall in between classes

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Harry wasn't going to tell me about his birthday, but thankfully Niall made mention of it one day when Katie and I were having coffee with Niall in between classes. It's rare to have time alone with Katie and Niall lately as they are either wrapped up in each other or Harry is with me. He's barely let me out of his sight since the night things almost went too far. He's done everything right, he has been dropping me off at school, walking me to my first class of the day, waiting for me outside of my last class for our ride home together. I've been staying at his place a fair amount, but our nights mostly involve talking and watching tv or slow dancing in the living room seems to be a favorite of ours too. He's also started writing in a journal in the evenings too. I'd love to know what's in that thing, but I wouldn't dare invade his privacy like that.

Niall raises the suggestion that we throw a surprise party for Harry at Katie's family's vacation home on the water. Nothing too big he says, but just enough people to have a good party. Harry might be known as a womanizer on campus but that reputation alone makes him some sort of a legend and there are lots of people who want to be in his presence. Word has traveled quickly that Harry has a girlfriend and I hear the whispers and see the stares when we are together. Harry has handled it all surprisingly calm and carefree.

This new found situation he's found himself in has only made the girls more determined to latch on to him for themselves. It's funny to see how girls are still the exact same in this era as in the era I left behind. It doesn't matter that he seems happy, they want him for themselves and to throw me by the wayside. I'm not blind or dumb and I've noticed the countless girls suddenly cozying up to me to be my "friend" .

Katie tells us to bring an overnight bag and to plan on staying the night at the vacation house on the bay. I'm in charge of packing one for Harry which proves to be difficult as he constantly wants me in his sights when we are together. It isn't in a dominating way at all, its because he doesn't want to be apart from me and he's constantly touching me in some affectionate way. It's cute actually and I feel the same exact way about him. I crave him. I crave his attention and his affection. I've got it bad for him and it's pretty clear he feels the same way.

I manage to sneak his clothes into my bag and I sent our bag ahead of time with Niall and Katie as they went to the house early today to get everything ready. It's Friday and my classes end at noon on Fridays and he's waiting for me outside of my physics class. Perched on a bench he's writing in that tattered journal again.

"Writing about me again Styles?" I smile as he peeks up from his journal and tucks the pencil he was just using behind his ear.

"Oh you're flattering yourself aren't you princess?" He laughed.

I loved the back and forth banter we shared. It was one of the things I was initially drawn to about him, even though I would have denied it. There's always such an electrical charge associated to the banter and it creates sexual tension between us that we both seem to crave and enjoy.

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