What if one day your so called perfect life disappeared? Everyone thinks Everleigh Andrews has it all, the perfect job, the perfect friends, the perfect boyfriend but what if things aren't always what they seem?
Everleigh Andrews doesn't know how...
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The flight back to LA was long and lonely and it felt odd to be here without Vicks, Brad and especially Harry but the good thing is that I won't have much free time to think about it since I'm going to be so busy. I felt really good about things after the last week Harry and I have had together. Time zones will be a challenge but we are determined to make this work.
I was overwhelmed for my first book signing event, the crowd was much more massive than I could have imagined. Atley joined me from New York and not only is she my publisher but she's also a good friend. I was happy to have her on this tour with me. It was overwhelming to see how many people turned up for my LA signing and I signed so many books that my hand felt like it would fall off by the end of the night.
The first thing I did was FaceTime Harry and he kept congratulating me and saying how proud he was for me. I was so happy to talk to him, but I so wished he were here to share this moment with me. We talked for a bit and tomorrow I was off to Las Vegas for another signing. Being away from Harry had motivated me to get started on the sequel to this book. I wanted to write their happy ending as much as I wanted one for Harry and I. For the time being I was happy to write this one until Harry and I could be reunited.
After Vegas each city started to look the same, I don't know how Harry managed to travel like he does and give it his all like he does each and every night. Atley knocked on my door in Phoenix at 11 pm one night and said she had some news. The tour was a success and the book was an even bigger success. The publishing house wanted to extend the tour, traveling to more cities and to extend it by another month. My face fell at the news and I was torn between being ecstatic and sad that it meant another month that I'd be away from Harry.
I reluctantly agreed and decided to wait until tomorrow to tell Harry. When I was able to tell him he was so happy for me and it made me feel even worse. I missed him terribly and I needed a break, just to see him. It had been four weeks already and I barely knew what city I was in and I had no idea what city Harry was currently in. He seems to be taking this so much better than I am and I'm glad one of us can have a calming demeanor about this.
"I'll just fly over after one of the UK shows when I have a few days off in between and see you." He said calmly. As much as I wanted to take him up on that, I knew it would be selfish of me.
"Harry, that's crazy, you can't do that. You need your rest. I don't know how you do it already. It won't be for much longer. I'm just being bratty cause I had hoped I'd be joining you on tour soon." I take a deep breath and focus on the end result, when ever that would come.
"Chin up princess, this will all work itself out and we will be together soon. I'm going to take you to some over the top fancy resort on some beautiful island and we'll sleep all day and make love all night." He laughs and I tell him that sounds amazing.
The call ends way too quickly when Harry has to go for a sound check. I decide to go ahead and shower and get ready for the bookstore appearance and signing this afternoon. I manage to find some time after my shower to write and the words for the sequel seem to come easily for me. It's incredible that we've managed to keep our romance private and no one knows anything other than our small circle of people. Readers would be shocked to hear that their beloved characters Emma and Alex were actually based on myself and the most famous singer in the world right now.