Twenty Eight. A World Away

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Six days can go by in the blink of an eye

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Six days can go by in the blink of an eye. Time is funny like that, when you're in the darkest days time seems to creep by so slowly that your soul aches for the darkness to come so you can lay your head down and attempt to sleep it all away, only to wake and repeat the whole cycle. During one's happy days time is fleeting and it doesn't stop, not even for our best of days. These have been some really fucking happy days for me, happier than I've known in a while.

Within the four walls of that apartment in West Hollywood I felt at home for the first time in a long, long time. It was her apartment, but I knew that my idea of home was wherever she lay her head at night. At her apartment I felt like Harry, the truest version of myself possible. I tuned everything and everyone else out, much to Jeff's dismay of course. Brad had my back though, he told Jeff to let me have this time to myself before I embarked on the second half of my world tour. Victoria has practically been living at Brad's which has given the apartment to Everleigh and I alone basically.

We enjoyed time at my place too, but it just felt the most authentic and normal here at her place. I'm currently sitting on her couch, her head in my lap as we spend our last day together. We've avoided all talk of it until now, purposely we wanted to tune it out, to pretend it wasn't happening so soon, but here we are. The day of reckoning is here. Neither of us have mentioned my upcoming departure in the wee hours of the morning. I think each of us is waiting and hoping that the other will be the one to bring it up first and neither of us want to be the one to begin the conversation.

I don't know what good is going to come from this conversation that needs to be had. I don't know what I expect to happen and I don't know what I can or can't ask of her while I'm away. All I know for sure, is that I don't want this to end. I don't want to leave her, but the reality is that I have to. I'll be gone a solid six weeks and then I'll have a month off which I'm supposed to have writing sessions with Kid for the next album. Gotta strike while I'm hot, that's what Jeff keeps saying. So six weeks on, one month off minus the writing sessions and then back on again for most of the summer in Europe. If I could I'd take her with me for all of it, but that's asking a lot of someone. I chose this life, she didn't. It's grueling and exhausting on tour. I live for it, but it's not for most people.

Biting my bottom lip I know there's no more avoiding this, it's time to have this conversation. "Ever can we talk?" She rolls onto her back and looks up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. This is going to be harder than I thought. "Wanna sit up and talk to me?" I laugh as she makes zero effort to sit upright. Reluctantly she sits up and turns to face me. "So I know we've been avoiding the elephant in the room, but we really need to talk about this." I begin.

"I know. I guess we're at that point aren't we?" She stretches her arms above her head as if she's warming up for this conversation.

"These past six days with you have been amazing. I think that goes without saying." I chuckle as I think of what an absolute lovesick idiot I've been. She smiles in return at the mention of our last six days together. "Can I just tuck you into my suitcase?" I laugh.

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