Thirteen. Beginnings

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We packed early and headed back to Tallahassee and everything just felt right

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We packed early and headed back to Tallahassee and everything just felt right. I hoped that being back here wouldn't be too much for this new relationship, my first relationship. We stopped by my place first to drop off my suitcase and I grabbed a change of clothes in case Ever wanted me to stay over at her place. I'm not worried about the stigma of being seen staying at her apartment any longer. If Everleigh wants it, then I'm all for it as well. She's fearless and I've never met anyone with her bravery and confidence.

Niall isn't here so I suspect he's with Katie and that will be an interesting conversation to have with both of them. We had considered keeping our new relationship secret for the time being, but that makes it feel wrong or like we are ashamed of it and neither of us feel that way, so we're diving in head first. As I suspected Niall's car is parked outside the apartment and Everleigh asks if I'm ready to face the music and I give her hand a squeeze to indicate I'm ready for whatever is thrown our way.

As soon as Everleigh walks in Katie jumps off the couch and envelops her in a hug. Niall cast me a wondering glance and I can see the wheels turning in his head already. I carry Ever's suitcase to her room and return and take a seat on the sofa opposite of Niall and Katie.

"You two look well loved up." I comment as Katie has her legs draped over Niall's lap.

Ever asks me if I'd like anything to drink and I decline and she joins me on the sofa. She sits beside me, but makes no motion to hold my hand or anything.

"Us? Let's talk about you two. How was your time away?" Katie asks.

"It was wonderful. We got to see a rocket test launch and I got to go into the mission control area and meet Harry's dad."

Niall nearly chokes on his water.

"You met Mr. Styles?"

"I did. I met his whole family actually. We had dinner at their house. Harry really has a lovely family." Ever is beaming as she talks about my family.

Niall casts a shocked glance at Katie.

"Go ahead. I know you have questions Horan. Go for it." I speak up.

"Nah mate. I'm just surprised is all. You've never taken anyone to meet your family."

Katie casts a questioning look at Everleigh.

"You're right, I haven't. First time for everything I suppose." I smile.

"So, back to school in a couple of days. What does that mean for you and Harry?" Katie asks.

"It means we're going back to school." Ever laughs.

I can't help but laugh at her sarcasm.

"I think they're trying to ask us if we are a couple or something." I smile at her.

"I don't know Harry, are we?" She raises her eyebrows at me.

I reach for her hand to hold.

"Damn right we are princess." I kiss the back of her hand.

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