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'winning isn't everything, but wanting to is'

- Vince Lombardi


For 7 years, Ares had been the king of ring. All eyes and cheers were directed towards him and he loved every bit of it. The rumours, the sex, the parties, the women, sometimes even the men; it all incited his thirst for fame.


"It was a good match out there Ares," his assistant, Florence began. "Just stop trying to kill the fucking man; you already know what the media has to say about you."

Ares had been famously known for his desire of being the best. It didn't matter how he would achieve that goal, whether or not it meant spilling gallons of blood or a drop.

He rolled his eyes to her comment and pulled off his shirt, drenched in sweat, revealing his defined abs. "I truly couldn't give a shit about what they say about me; it's my game."

Florence sighed and handed him a list of events and places for the following days: recitals, rehearsals, party invites, but the one he looked forward to the most: the Boxing World Champion after party. All the alcohol, the hidden drugs, the women he'd take home. It consumed him.

"Please don't make me run around looking for you Ares."

He smirked, at the young woman, proudly aware that he was shirtless. "You can count on me."


After hastily showering and changing, ready to leave for the night, Ares escaped the memorable building. He headed over to his costly, Chevrolet Corvette Stingray, only to be distracted by his losing opponent, Sean.

"You fucking bitch, you promised me success from the previous fight, I should've known you were lying- you're an embarrassment." Sean spat.

Ares laughed at his remark.

"Seeing you on the floor struggling? I'd pay to watch that a million times over." He laughed.

Sean held his fists tight and clenched his jaw. "How would the public feel about knowing their idol has had a severe drug problem and yet still fails to keep clean?"

Ares stared at him silently, keeping this thoughts to himself. He noticed that behind Sean, in his car, was a young man silently and patiently waiting and staring. He looked far younger than Sean, and almost petrified. As soon as he noticed Ares' eyes onto his he turned and faced downwards.

"Who's the hoe in your car?" Ares teased him.

Sean looked back angrily. "That is none of your business, asshole."

He had walked backwards towards his car. Opening the door, he muttered something and slammed it shut. Speeding off, he'd left Ares by himself, his blood boiling as his sworn enemy knew about his hidden drug addiction.


The club was packed with famous athletes, artists, actors and plenty of business partners. The upbeat music bled through the room while drinks were being served and drunk men shouted.

Ares slouched back into his chair, his legs spread, with two stunning women on each side. Six other famous and wealthy men sat with him under a section named 'VIP'. He took a breath with his cigarette in his hands, letting the intoxicated air into his lungs.

"Having fun?" a familiar voice attracted his attention.

"Dawn Malik." Ares stared with lust, "How could I not recognise such a beauty?" He winked.

Dawn was the ex girlfriend of Ares. He was toying with her feelings but he didn't care, he knew there was no chance of redemption in their relationship. Plus, she was a nice friend to keep around.

Dawn smirked and giggled. "Don't flatter me like that!"

"I'll be in charge of that."

Dawn looked down at the two fine women, "so which one will you be taking home tonight, huh?"

Ares smirked. "Both."

Dawn rolled her eyes and grabbed Ares' arm, yanking him upwards, along with the two women. She dragged him across to the bar where most conversations were being held place. "Buy yourself a drink, baby." Ares ordered 2 scotch on the rocks, he swirled it around in his cup and swallowed it in one.

Dawn stood beside him, leaning against the counter and staring into the crowd of people. Dawn had always had a magnificent figure and a perfectly proportioned face; she was overall one of the highest paid supermodels in the industry, it made sense. Yet for Ares, her beauty wasn't enough to keep their relationship whole, he lacked something.

Ares turned to the same direction as Dawn and stared at all the celebrities dancing and drinking. His eyes wandered around the noisy club until they landed on somebody unrecognisable but yet familiar.

Next to that someone was none other than Sean with a smug look on his face as always. It was Sean and his hoe, the one that was in his car. He looked up at Ares and their eyes locked for a split second until he looked down, fiddling with his fingers. Ares smirked, almost laughing.

Fucking pussy.

The young man wasn't half bad looking, His curly dark brown hair covered the majority of his facial features as he looked down. Ares only wished to see the rest of his face. His height was average, around 5,9; he wasn't anything a woman would go for, yet something about him intrigued Ares.

Ares was a man of taste, though he didn't always care about what they looked like in the bedroom. It pained him to admit Sean was mildly attractive. His dirty blond hair messily covered his forehead, but since his pale skin often turned red in fights, it put him off. His brown eyes were almost covered by his furrowed brows. Ares always preferred his face to be covered in blood anyways.

Sean looked at a woman with lust and grabbed her waist: she was heavily intoxicated with alcohol and possibly a few pills. The guy Sean brought along stood quietly at his side, almost like he was feeling down. He tried tapping onto Sean's shoulder multiple times but Sean brushed him off while talking to the beautiful girl. He looked as if he was about to pass out and started to head out towards the exit door.

Ares couldn't stop himself from following him.

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