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'even if i spend the whole day with you, i miss you the second you leave'

- unknown


August went home feeling sick to his stomach, his throat sore and head aching. He could taste him in his mouth, and the stupid vodka. He threw up the moment he got into his outhouse, hands shaking as he brushed his teeth and went to bed.

Whenever Sean did stuff like that when he didn't want to, August always threw up. Every time, he found himself wanting to be anywhere else, and sometimes imagined not being anywhere at all.

It was safe to say he didn't sleep peacefully that night.

When he woke up, he checked his phone to see the time and instead focussed on the texts from his boyfriend.

Out all day. Don't try anything. There's fifteen in your bank account for lunch. Don't buy anything fattening or unhealthy. You look stupid enough as it is.

August glared at his phone as if that would make a difference, and instead went over to his bathroom to brush his teeth. It felt like he was still in his mouth. 

What diverted his attention was the large, purple, hand-shaped bruise on his throat, wrapping around to the back of his neck. When he turned his head a little, he could see where Sean's thumb was, and on the other side, were his fingers. It made August think of the night prior, and it almost felt like he was back there.

He decided he'd refrain from letting Ares choke him for a while.

Oh fuck.

He was supposed to see Ares today. As in, see him. How was he supposed to hide a giant bruise on his neck? Surely that would raise questions, even if Ares never usually cared about the rest of the bruises on his body.

The text from his boyfriend had August feeling slightly self-conscious as well. He decided he'd refrain from letting Ares do anything to him for a while. It was time for his end of the deal.

"You look very overdressed for sex." Ares pointed out the moment August stepped into his office. 

He was wearing an oversized hoodie and loose cargos, with his usual worn-down converses. Underneath, to cover his throat, he was wearing a turtleneck. "What's wrong with it?"

August found himself doubting his outfit again. Why did Sean have to mess his confidence up so much? It was so, so unnecessary.

"Nothing. You look good." Ares casually complimented. "You'd look better if you took it off, so-"

"No." August stopped him before he could get any closer. His body was still sore, and his jaw still ached from being punched and then- well, you know. "I don't want to.. to do that today."

"Why?" Ares stepped closer, making August step back. Upon realising his anxiousness, Ares stayed where he was, sceptical. 

"I just.. You know our deal was that you'd hang out with me and be nice to me, and in return I'd, you know-"

"Have sex with me."

August nodded.

"Well... fine." Ares decided, eying the purple bruise on August's jaw. He briefly noticed it the night prior, but it looked much more prominent once he was closer. "Let me get my keys. We'll go out into town."

August felt nostalgic, being back in the town centre. He'd not been in quite a while, and if he had, it was with Sean. Sean often flirted with random girls and dragged him off to shops he didn't want to go into. 

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