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'the past beats inside me like a second heart' 

- john banville 


August was mad at Ares. Ares was kissing up some bitch in a club, and August caught him. He was with Sean, so he couldn't do anything about it, but when he came back to Ares' office, he lost his temper.

"Why do you act as if I'm special to you when all you do is go around and make everyone in Manhattan feel the same way?"

"Excuse me?" Ares walked up to August, slamming his body into the window behind him. "You wanna accuse me of being the slut of Manhattan? How about I fuck you in front of our entire city."

The office was high up, but even so, anyone who looked up would be able to what was going on. It was, if you tried hard enough, completely plausible for someone to watch it happen. Besides, with the way people adored their phones these days, someone would notice, record and post it on social media for a laugh.

"Please, I'm sorry, please-" August begged, trying to move away from the window, only to be pushed further into the cold glass.

"So now you switch up, hmm?" Ares laughed. "You're such a pathetic, little brat, aren't you? Acting all big and feisty until you realise who's really in charge here."

"I'm sorry."

"Tell me, darling," Ares closed the space between them, putting his lips to his plaything's ear, "would you like the world to watch as I fuck your submissiveness back into you?"

"Please, I'm sorry, I-"

"Too late."

Ares threw August towards his chair, stripping himself of everything but his underwear. "Strip, whore."

August shook his head, rubbing the the side of his leg that hit the edge of the chair. Other than that, he landed almost perfectly, as the boxer wanted him to.

"Tell me it doesn't turn you on, knowing the entire world could see you as I fuck your ass so hard you forget your own name." Ares approached him, yanking him up by neckline of his shirt. "Wouldn't you like to be brainless, remembering me and only me?"

August bit his lip, his breath hitching in his throat. He liked the idea of being completely his, but was unsure about the world seeing him. He closed his eyes and imagined the streets being empty, the city being asleep.

"You're thinking of it, aren't you?"

August didn't know how to admit it, and he didn't really want to. He wanted Ares to just have his way with him, without having to ask him to. That made it ten times more attractive. Instead, he took Ares' shirt off and let the boxer figure out the rest.

"You kinky little slut, you want me to." Ares grinned. He was going to do it whether or not August obliged, as a punishment for the way he spoke to him. He deserved it, and Ares had guessed that by now, August had a thing for masochism. Luckily, the God of War happened to be a sadist.

"Strip completely and face the window."

"Sir, please-"

"Now, August."

The shorter man was ashamed of his body, and would never openly share it to the world. He'd been complimented a lot in his life, but Sean insulted him too. They weren't the attractive kinda insults, they were the ones that made you feel insecure.

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