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'it's just sad that when i push people away, they just go and don't even try to stay'

- unknown


"Heard you gave me a special mention in your award ceremony." 


Ares spun around from the lift in his apartment, hearing the voice of his amazing sister. They didn't talk often, but the love he had for her was unconditional. He didn't love anyone, except his mother, the way he did for her.

"I missed you, Ares." She smiled. "It's been too long."

"It has." He nodded. "Come on, I didn't expect you to be here until New Year's."

"You didn't think I'd let you spend Christmas alone, did you?" She gasped in mock offense.


"Shut up." She rolled her eyes and stepped into the elevator, always amazed by how far her brother had gotten in life, and how far up his apartment was.

Lana Cirillo was jaw-droppingly beautiful. She had long, dark-brown, wavy hair with a light-brown balayage that she touched up every now and then. Her green eyes stood out like her mom's, and she matched the deceased woman (may she rest in peace) in her average height too. She had no physical similarities to her brother except from her tanned skin and perfect nose.

Despite that, it was obvious that the two of them were siblings.

Good genes somehow ran in the family, despite Leonardo looking like a dying mole rat that had been stepped on and squished ninety-nine times.

"I've never been in your apartment. When were you planning to show me around?"

"Shut it, you sound like Leonardo." He rolled his eyes, walking into his million-dollar apartment. "Welcome to my humble abode, I guess."

Lana scoffed before taking a good look at the place, smiling at how good it looked. She knew that if one of them was to live life well, it'd be her brother. She wasn't jealous; she was proud, and happy for him.

"It's fucking gorgeous in here." She fawned. "And how many of your hookups have you brought here?" 

"I don't bring people here. Only four people have stepped foot in this place, including you."

"Damn. I feel quite special." She flicked her hair back dramatically. "Anyways, I brought gifts."

"Gifts, for me?"

"No, for our dead mother six feet deep in the ground." She said sarcastically. "Yes, you. God, you're stupid."

"Yeah, but I'm the one with a successful boxing career and an expensive apartment."

"I should've been one with you." Lana sighed. "Stupid car accident."


"I'm not mad, idiot." She laughed. "I'm so proud of how far you've come. You did this all by yourself. You got yourself here. No help from our useless dad. You should be proud of yourself too."

"I am." He lied. He wasn't proud of himself, because the man who helped him get to his latest victory no longer wanted him. That man was in the very apartment his sister stood in, and the last time he was there, he ran out crying. That was nothing Ares could be proud of.

"Anyways, gifts." She grinned. "Where's the kitchen? I know you haven't done any cooking, or shopping, so I brought food too. Let's cook dinner together, like we used to, with mom."

"I'd love that."

The next hour was spent with the two preparing and cooking quietly, music playing in the background. Lana played Lana Del Ray, which was ironic considering they shared a name. Ares scoffed and said Lana was too sappy, but he secretly loved her music, because August forced him to listen to her.

"Now we're done, and we've got to wait, so let's get on with gifts." Lana Cirillo cheered excitedly, grabbing the big bag she brought with her. 

"Wait, I have something for you." 

Ares wasn't the most affectionate, but his sister was an exception. And August. He got a gift for the man before their fight, and was mad at himself because he couldn't give it to the younger man.

He came back to the kitchen, seeing his sister sat at the island with a glass of wine she poured for herself. "Drinking without me?"

"Shut up. Let's see what you got me."

He handed over the classy black gift bag, waiting patiently for her reaction.

"Chanel?" She pulled out a Chanel Ruban Ring and gold CC earrings, and the Coco Mademoiselle perfume. "Jesus, Ares, this must've been expensive-"

Only about fifteen thousand. No big deal.

"It's nothing, Lana." He smiled modestly. "Don't worry about the price. Do you like it?"

"I love it." She smiled in return. "Now my presents feel cheap-"

"Shut it. If it's from you, it's rich in value."

"When did you turn into a sap?"

Ares sighed. "When I met someone who was sappy."

"Someone?" She pushed the gift bag away and picked up the wine glass, ready for the gossip session. "Tell me everything. And why the long face? Don't tell me you fucked it up?"

"I did." Ares pulled out a box.


"NO, Jesus fucking Christ." Ares opened the box. 

"You got her a Cartier love chain?!"

"I didn't love him then. I don't think I do now. But it seemed so perfect for him." 

"Ah, a him." Lana grinned. "Dad would fucking hate that."

"Right? Best part about it. Dad's actually met him, called him a homewrecking slut or something like that." Ares spat. 

"No one cares about that decaying man's opinion."

Ares nodded in agreement, knowing all Lana ever wanted was Leonardo's validation. She wanted her dad to be proud of her, but he never was. Ares understood that hurt.

"Tell me more."

"He once told me that if someone got him jewellery, he'd never take it off. And I know he likes gold, which is perfect cause I like silver." Ares internally cursed his sappiness. "I ruined it though."

"What happened between you two?"

"Leonardo came into the apartment, found him hiding in the shower, pointed a gun at his face and traumatised the shit out of him. So I got him to drink to ease the fear, and then he confessed that he didn't just wanna be my plaything or whatever. And I told him I didn't do relationships, and then he went all funny and started crying and wandering around and then ran off."

Lana sat dumbfounded, processing the information. "Sorry what?"


"You used this sweet boy for sex?!"

"No- well, yes-"

"Ares, you're such a dick."

"Alright I deserve that one." He sighed. "But listen, it was an agreement. Sex and hanging out. I spent time with him, as he asked, and in return, he slept with me. But he wanted more than that, and I couldn't deal with it."

"Is he worth it?"


"Is he fucking worth it, Ares?" Lana grabbed the bracelet. "Because this bracelet says fucking everything. If you don't get that man back, I'll have him."

"I don't think he swings that way." He joked, but his sister didn't laugh. "And it's more complicated than that."

"So explain it all to me."

And so, Ares did.

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