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'that heavy breathing on the floor, i'm yours, i'm yours'

- billie eilish


"I think I need you to take off your clothes and fuck me right now." 


Back in Ares' office, the first place they ever had sex. First time out of many, first place out of a few others. Ares' office was the most memorable place, though. August would never get tired of seeing the view from the windows, and Ares would never get tired of seeing just how gorgeous August looked when he admired something.


And how could Ares say no to such a pretty request?

Ares took his clothes off immediately, loving the way August still blushed at the sight of him fully unclothed. August, in turn, took off his clothes, and Ares couldn't help but pull August towards him, kissing him with lust and passion.

"I've missed this mouth of yours."

"Missed it on your lips or on your dick?" August smirked.

"Fuck, August." Ares said in a low voice. "I've missed everything about you."

"Let me make up for that." August said innocently, before getting down on his knees. "Make sure you know just how much I missed you."

Ares groaned as August's lips touched the head of his dick. He looked down at the curly haired man and relished in the sight of August looking up at him with doe eyes, fluttering his lashes as if he wasn't actively sucking Ares' dick. The pureness of the look made Ares crazy, desperately wanting to ruin August all over again. 

August kept taking Ares' dick in his mouth slowly, torturously, wanting to tease the boxer a little bit before the inevitable happened. And then, he just looked up again, with a look Ares loved, and knew all too well. 

Ares knew exactly what August meant with the look. He put a hand in August's hair and used the younger man's mouth for his own pleasure. August's honey-brown eyes watered, making his lashes look longer and somehow prettier, and Ares fucking loved it. He was beyond hard, but he didn't want to finish just yet.

So he pulled out, much to August's dismay.

"You didn't finish."

"I know, tesoro." Ares pulled August up, leading him over to the desk. "I want to finish inside you."


"You interested in using cigarettes?" 

August's eyes widened, suddenly a lot more focussed. "Yes. Absolutely. Please."

Ares pushed August down so his back was on the desk, whilst getting things from his drawers. He got a bottle of lube out, put a generous amount on his fingers and leaned over to kiss August before inserting a finger into August's ass. August gasped into the kiss, making Ares only kiss harder, more passionately.

A second finger joined, and then a third, and August had to push Ares off and beg for the man to hurry up and properly fuck him before he went insane. And of course, Ares had to listen, because he wanted nothing more than to feel himself inside August again.

Ares was quick to lube himself up before sitting down on his chair. "Ride me, tesoro."

"Fuck." August said under his breath before climbing on top of Ares, slowly pushing himself down onto Ares' dick. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

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