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'it doesn't matter whether you need them or not, just treat people right'

- unknown


It had been a few weeks of Ares lusting over August, but every time he tried anything August denied him.

Ares had no need to call August back. His season had finished once he had won against Sean, so boxing was off for a few months. For some reason, he still wanted August.

But he would do anything to avoid doing that.

"Jesus, man." Ares' personal trainer called from behind. "You're really going for it today."

It was true. Ares had done twice as much as he usually would've in just an hour.

"Got anything on your mind?" Luca, his trainer, handed him heavier weights.

"Nah." Ares wasn't up for talking, only exercising. "Do me a favour, hand me something heavier."

"You got it, although let's make sure you don't snap anything, yeah?" He said with a sharp English accent.

"Yeah yeah."

Another hour had passed, his session coming to an end, except Ares really didn't want it to.

"I'll pay you double for another hour." The boxer chugged a bottle of water.

"Ares, man, we've talked about this; overdoing yourself with weights has horrifying consequences. Go rest or something."

But Ares would not, not until he got that younger man out of his mind.

The time showed 11AM. Ares had been splintering and smashing every bone and muscle in his body for the past four hours. He had no need to train or be involved in any type of meeting and his next press conference was a week from then. He was beyond bored.

Push ups, weight lifts, treadmill etc. Ares had done everything twice.

He grabbed onto the pull up bar and pulled his defined body upwards.

The boxer's mind had been far too distracted by his counting and the sound of his own grunts, he hardly noticed the wandering footsteps approaching.

"You never mentioned having a gym in your apartment."

Ares choked on his breath for a moment.


He released his sweaty hands and jumped down onto his feet, immediately turning. It almost blew him off the earth realising he was right.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Ares grinned whilst catching his breath.

"You gave me a key, remember?" August smiled.

"A text wasn't beneficial?"

"Yeah, well I'm here now anyway."

"Whatever you say." Ares towered over the younger man. "You couldn't come at a better time?"

"No. And plus, you look hot whilst working out."

The boxer smirked. "Hot, huh?"

Ares gripped his hands around August and pulled the younger man onto himself, his legs around the boxer's waist.

He hauled himself onto the bar again, this time with an extra weight wrapped right around his waist.

August's arms were wrapped around the older man's shoulders, enjoying his grunts every time he pulled himself upwards. He planted his lips onto Ares' as somewhat of a reward.

"You don't understand what you do to me." Ares gritted his teeth.

"Tell me." The younger man whispered into his ear.

Ares jumped back onto his feet, August still wrapped onto him.

The boxer smashed his lips onto the younger man and shoved him right onto the wall, his arm reaching for the handle beside him. Once it opened, Ares carried August with him into the shower, roughly stripping him from every piece of clothing he wore.

The water sprinkled on top of them, both of their lips glued onto each other's.

"Fuck. I want you right now. Let me have you."

August's breath caught for a moment. "Have me."

Ares turned the younger man's body around, slamming him onto the wall. His fingers loosened the younger man whilst he bit down onto August's shoulder, trying hard to deny his arousal.

August exhaled sharply due to how tight he had gotten.

"Ha." Ares had only become more excited. "So Sean hasn't put his dick inside you since the last time you saw me?"

August remained silent.

"Do or don't answer. I'm just glad you know who does it better."

Without any warning at all, Ares thrusted his cock into August, forcing him to take all of him in.

"Fuck's sake, I didn't think you'd be this tight." Ares gritted his teeth.

August struggled for air as he gasped heavily. Ares made sure to thrust powerfully, reminding the younger man of all the things he could do better than Sean.

The water trickled onto the two. August, his cheek smashed against the wall, panted and gasped through all the hickeys and bite marks he was receiving from Ares. His arms pushed onto the wall with Ares' fingers tangled between his.

"Ares." August groaned.


"Ares, sir."

Ares bit onto his own lip and thrusted even harder into the younger man. August whimpered, now struggling to manage to find his own words.

"I'm close."

"Don't care. Hold it."

August whined in pleasure and somewhat pain. His body twitching and trembling, only being held straight by the strength of Ares' hands.

"Please." He whined quietly.

"Hold. It."

He pounced himself into the younger man recklessly. He had missed the feeling of August's body incredibly and would do anything to have it back for as long as he could.

"Don't whinge- you decided to show up at my place without any warning." Ares muttered into August's ear. He was right after all.

"Please sir..." The younger man could hardly speak beyond this point. He had reached every limit he could in that moment. And yet Ares was out to reach more.

August cried and moaned laboriously. Ares felt himself coming close. "Come for me, baby." The boxer whispered into August's ear.

He did, everywhere. The younger man's body was so obviously sex deprived he was coming for seconds straight.

"Wow, baby you did so good." Ares smiled whilst the water still trickled.

August could hardly speak a word. His breath was slowly catching up to him and he kneeled on the floor.

Ares somewhat debated whether or not to help August clean up and relax; after all, it was their first time in almost a month of not seeing each other. He decided not to, he had other things to do, other things now that his needs were pleased. Plus, August had Sean.

"Clean yourself up and help yourself out." Was all Ares managed to say before drying himself with a towel and closing the bathroom after him. August was left all alone.

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