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'things will only get worse if you don't talk about it'

- unknown


It had been a few weeks since Sean and Andrew had been arrested. August was yet to see his mom, but he knew she was in good hands. He was just afraid of having the inevitable conversation with her regarding the domestic abuse he'd faced for a few years.

He knew his mom would be devastated to find out that he'd gone through the same thing as she had, and he wasn't ready to do that yet. And every time Ares had offered to take August to see his mom, he'd said no immediately, and when Ares asked what was wrong, August would say nothing was wrong even though something clearly was.

That seemed to be the pattern lately. August wouldn't talk to Ares about anything. Anytime Ares tried to get him to talk about all the recent and past traumas of his life, August shut down immediately and changed the conversation. He didn't want to talk about anything at all.

It felt like they were back to square one.

But on the bright side, August was better and definitely in the right condition to sleep with Ares again. Ares didn't want to hurt August, but the Venezuelan man didn't seem to care.

"I'm fine now, Ares. I can walk and breathe without being in pain. And you can't see a single bruise on my body." August folded his arms. "So unless you never want to have sex with me again, I suggest you fuck me right now." 

Ares couldn't resist. "You're acting like a fucking brat."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Ares bridal-style carried August to their bedroom, (yes, it's their bedroom now - August has been living there for a while), and immediately threw the shorter man onto their bed. He tore his clothes off and pinned him down, smirking at August's arousal.

"Am I your boyfriend?" 


August laughed as Ares stared at him in confusion, half-way through taking his boxers off. "Well, I sorta moved into your apartment and now we're fucking. Am I?"

"I mean, obviously. I've wanted you for months." 

"Aren't you gonna ask?"

Ares groaned, sticking two fingers in August's mouth. "Be my boyfriend."

"That's not asking."

Ares rolled his eyes and shoved both fingers into August, who gasped at the sudden intrusion. "Will you be my fucking boyfriend?"

"Aww, you know just how to make me blush." August said tonelessly. 

"If you don't answer-"

"Yes, sir." 

Ares smirked, thrusting the two fingers into August quickly, loving the way August's eyes closed and his mouth parted slightly. Quiet breaths were all that Ares could hear from the man beneath him, and that was good for now.

He could scream later.

Ares slipped a third finger in, knowing August really needed the prep. It had been a few weeks since they fucked, and he wasn't trying to hurt his boyfriend. Even if his boyfriend was a little bit of a masochist in the bedroom.

When August was prepped enough, Ares got out a condom and lube from the bedside table. August didn't seem to notice until Ares asked if he was ready. 

"Fuck me, please."


"Please fuck me, sir." 

Ares didn't hesitate. The word sir always drove him crazy- or maybe it was just the way August said it. His voice was so addictive. 

He lined himself up before entering August, who let out a deep breath. Ares groaned at the feeling of being inside August again. 

"Fuck, August, you're so tight." 

"Cause you refused to fuck me just because I was a bit roughed up."

"A bit roughed up?" Ares laughed as he bottomed out. "You were more than a bit roughed up."

"And?" August rolled his eyes. "I could still take it. You're moving way too slow, by the way."

"Because I'm trying to make sure you can walk tomorrow."

With the most innocent look on his face, August looked up at his boyfriend. "That's boring. How about you make it so that I can't walk for the next two days?"

Ares let out a low moan at the idea of it. "You're such a fucking whore, August."

"For you." He grinned. "So? How about you pick up the pace and make me forget my name?"

Ares immediately picked up the pace, fucking the man beneath him hard and fast, basking in the slutty moans. He leaned down and kissed August, loving the way he moaned into his mouth. Biting August's lip, he moved down to his throat, kissing his Adam's apple, moving down towards his collarbone.

"You're so perfect, August." 

August closed his eyes and blushed, not knowing how to respond. He let out a breathy moan when Ares found his sweet spot and worked on making a bruise on his skin. Ares moved down to August's chest, peppering kisses down his toned stomach.

"Your body is so beautiful." Ares whispered. "Every single part of it."


"Really." Ares smiled. "Especially your ass. I could fuck you for days."

August rolled his eyes before closing them due to the immense pleasure he was feeling. Ares had found his prostate. "Fuck."

Ares realised what he'd done and tried to keep hitting his prostate. He sped up, fucking August roughly, pounding him into the mattress. He kept hitting his prostate, as he'd hoped, and August was a screaming mess underneath him. 

"Fuck, I'm close."

"Cum for me then, doll." 

Ares fucked August through his orgasm, not stopping when August was over. He'd cried out in overstimulation, but they both knew he was enjoying it. Ares felt his orgasm building up and slowed down for a moment, which was agonising for August.

And then he sped up, going painfully fast, and eventually came with a loud "fuck." 

He pulled out slowly, tossing the condom into the bin before collapsing down next to August, who was completely fucked out. He was dazed, staring at the ceiling with his mouth slightly open and face flushed. 

"You look so pretty like this, amore."

"Shut up." August muttered.

"Alright, alright." 

"Round two?"

"You're insatiable." Ares shook his head, feigning annoyance before getting out a new condom, preparing to fuck the man a second time. August only grinned, knowing Ares wasn't annoyed in the slightest.

i fucking hate writing smut i hate it so much im so shit at writing smut

greta come back pls i cant write smut

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