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'being a good dad starts with presence, not presents'

- unknown


The rest of the night went as a blur for Ares. More drinks, more music, more distractions from the real world. The hours passed by quicker than intended and it was already 4am Ares had next checked the time. There were less people than a few hours prior but the music still blasted and the guests were drunker than ever.

His phone rang, vibrating in his pocket. 'Florence' it showed clear at the top. Unbothered, Ares held the phone towards his ear, half asleep.

"Ares." Florence warned with a stern voice. Ares groaned, not in the mood. "Every fucking news article can't keep your name out of it, and not for any good!"

"Jesus, Flo!" Ares yelled.

"A fight? You have got to be kidding me."

Ares listened in utter confusion and the silence made Florence sigh.

"Somebody had captured a photo of you and Sean outside The World Champion Stadium, in the car park. It had appeared that the two of you had gotten into a physical fight, OUTSIDE of the ring. You have got to understand what this does to your image Ares!" She lectured.

Ares sighed, understanding where and why these photos had come to place.

"Disclose the rumours, tell them we were preparing for the after party, and were full of excitement." He hissed, thinking of all the ways on how he was going to torture Sean. He hung up the phone and tossed it into his pocket, pissed about how his night was now ruined.

Preparing to leave, Ares stood up only to notice the two beautiful, young women from a few hours prior waiting for him. He wouldn't miss this opportunity, especially not at a time like this. The two checked him out with lust in their eyes and blushed cheeks. He turned his gaze to one of them.

"Tell me, gorgeous," Ares smiled, "where is the nearest hotel?"



Ares opened his phone to check the time. His body wrapped in the arms of the ladies, all naked.

One unopened message from Florence made him question whether or not he wanted to leave the bed at all that day. But when it came to Florence, she was the only person Ares truly respected and would tolerate. To everyone else his temper was a short fuse.

Ares, I would highly appreciate if you could appear at a dinner at 8pm. I have sent you all the details via email. There will be many high class attendees I would love for you to meet. Be on your best behaviour! Flo.

Groaning, Ares sat up, the two girls falling off of him. He stepped into the shower, running his hands through his hair. Even after continuous rounds of sex, Ares felt no satisfaction. One person did however slip into his thoughts, one he didn't want to. And as he did, the thoughts of the boy went straight to his dick.

"Fuck you, boy with the bruises."

Out of all the fucking things going on in the planet, a fancy dinner was the last he desired to be at. Throwing on grey sweatpants and a skintight shirt, Ares called the hotel desk and made sure a ride was on its way to collect him. He had a lot to do.


The room was set with deep-red table cloths and dim lights. A gentle band played calming tunes. Guests were already sat down eating and communicating, some were standing, or even dancing. Ares took a glimpse around the prestigious room, seeing if he could recognise any familiar faces, not that he would care; to his surprise, he stared right into the eyes of Dawn. She noticed him and sprinted over.

"For fuck's sake Ares, you're an hour late."

Being on time meant nothing for the man; nobody could be promised an exact time from him.

"So fucking what? Not that I give a shit about anyone here. What exactly are you doing here?" Ares raised a brow.

"Florence told me to keep you company. Let's be honest, if I wasn't here you'd be gone by now."

"Don't tell me what I'd do."

She rolled her eyes at his remark.

Ares noticed the bar and considered buying a few drinks to help the evening pass by. Dawn had noticed where his eyes laid and held him back.

"I think that's enough drinking for you."

Before Ares could argue, someone locked eyes with him, someone who really made his blood boil.


"You what?" Dawn muttered in confusion, turning her body to where Ares' eyes faced.

"Leonardo Cirillo."

Ares' eyes darkened when they connected with the old man's eyes. He couldn't help but clench his fists, facing the man who he wished would give a shit about him: who abandoned his family, who had the money to save his dying mother but refused. The man who didn't even acknowledge his son's name until the start of his boxing career, the man he once called dad.

He was the man in charge of the whole boxing industry; he had the power to choose who was worth the money and fame and who wasn't. Ares didn't allow himself to fall into his game: he made his own way to fame and success, but something inside him feared that his piece-of-shit father could take it all away.

Leonardo smiled recklessly as the two locked eyes. He sipped onto his whiskey and took in Ares' dark glare.

"My son!" He called, catching the attention of the guests around him.

The word 'son' made Ares cringe. He did not claim Leonardo as a father to him.

He was a shorter man. He had tanned Sicilian skin and short, grey strands of hair poking out his scalp, almost balding from old age. His once muscular body was filled with fat and he solely wore a grey suit.

Leonardo carelessly walked over to where Ares stood. He greeted Dawn and kissed her knuckles. Ares gave her a piercing glare, so she took the hint and proceeded to walk away.

"I watched your match the other day, son." The word 'son' boiled his blood. "You won as I had expected, but your game was off- I expected better."

"I don't give a fuck about what you expect of me. You're not my father." Ares spat.

Leonardo was amused by his son's angered words.

"You are my boy, admit it. You are the only child of mine I can truly admit I am proud of."

This angered Ares even more: his family had already suffered enough from Leonardo's shit. The way his older sister pretended like she didn't care for his disappearance, yet she cried every time her own father didn't bother to show up on her birthdays. The way his mother was manipulated into having his kids, yet he left the second her first baby was born and refused to ever help them  out financially. As a child, Ares had always looked around the ring, hoping to see his fathers eyes, proud and loving, but he was never there.

"Tell me." Ares began, "Where were you the day of my mother's funeral?"

Leonardo stilled for a moment. "Oh my boy, you understand that my priorities lie within my work and business. Silly things like funerals don't get in my way."

"What if it was my funeral?" Ares sensed the blood running through his fists, ready to smash his fathers face.

Leonardo smiled and looked into his eyes, pressing his lips onto his glass. Ares knew that he was going to avoid the question, being aware of his son's temper.

"Rumour has it that you're drinking obsessively."

"Yeah, you wanna know what else I've been up too?" Ares grinned sarcastically. "As if you've ever given a fuck."

Leonardo opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, another man who also looked incredibly wealthy called him over. He began to walk over towards him but turned to face Ares.

"Enjoy my party, son."

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