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'god i wish i never spoke, now i gotta wash my mouth out with soap'

- melanie martinez



"Was I just some fucking prize?" August shouted. "Did you want to flaunt me in Sean's face like a fucking trophy, only to throw me away right after? This was all because of a petty rivalry?"

August was mad, both at Ares, and himself. He was mad because he should've expected this- this was Ares Cirillo. Of course he wouldn't care for some weak, abused fool- he had the whole world worshipping him. Of course August wasn't special.

He didn't know why it angered him so much to be this prize to win, from a fight that lacked a worthy reasoning. The boxers hated each other because they wanted to. That wasn't worth playing with a fucking person's feelings.

"You're such a fucking dick, Ares." August ran his hands through his curls. "Liking me for my body and my body alone was one thing, but to show me off to Sean like a prize, just because you hate him? That's fucking vile."

"Look, it's not really that bad-"

"Oh shut up Ares." The smaller man shouted. "I'm so fucking done with you. I'm not a fucking toy. You can't just use me for your own entertainment. You have no idea what goes on in my life, and if you chose to flaunt me off to Sean, well fuck knows what would've happened. And all because you think you can treat real people like objects."

"It's not like that."

"It's exactly like that."

August tried to walk away, but Ares held him back again. And just like only moments before, August flinched, trying to distance himself from the man in front of him. It was painfully obvious what was going on, yet Ares couldn't see it.

"Please, August, don't be mad at me anymore. I've spent too much time away from you; I think I'd go crazy if I lost you for any longer." He pleaded. "I'm sorry, okay? Hit me, punch me, slap me, do anything to me. Please, just forgive me."

"No, Ares. I'd never do that to you because that's what he did to me! That's what he still does to me."

"He does what?" Ares felt his jaw clench and his hands balled into fists.

August walked away silently, regretting everything.

August didn't know what to do when he realised he exposed the one thing he meant to take to his grave to Ares of all people. Sean took him home after the match, questioning his silence. When August stayed quiet, his boyfriend gave him a black eye before leaving, no explanation given.

August couldn't stand the silence of being alone, despite the solitude usually being peaceful for him. He needed to escape, be somewhere where the loneliness wasn't suffocating. So, he went to get coffee, despite having all his money restricted by his dickhead boyfriend.

Taking a book with him, he walked off to the nearest coffee shop and sat at an empty table where no one would bother him, even though the purpose of him going out was so that he wouldn't feel alone. He actually felt okay, surrounded by people, yet not talking to any of them.

That was until someone asked to sit with him.

"Is it alright if I sit here?" The man who looked about Ares' age asked. "All the other tables are taken, and you're the only person who looks nice enough to sit with."

"Are you saying I look unthreatening?"


August rolled his eyes and shuffled along, leaving space on the sofa part of the booth-table for this stranger. Usually a situation like this would drive his social anxiety insane, but he was too distracted to even think about that.

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