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'when i am with you, the only place i want to be is closer'

- unknown


August didn't know how to react to Ares' hostility, so he did what he did best, and listened to what he was told. He quickly washed himself, only with water, choosing to have a proper shower at home, and left.

He didn't want to piss off Ares any further by using his stuff.

See, August had felt bad the entire month he kept denying Ares. Of course he did; he was August. Empathetic, sweet, caring August. He didn't want to not sleep with Ares; fuck, he needed to. But the stupid bruise on his neck prevented him from doing so.

Over the past month, Sean had been so, so mad. He'd lost the season, against his biggest rival. He was angry every fucking day, and of course, of fucking course, that meant August had to be his punching bag.

Ares didn't seem to care about the other bruises on August's body. In fact, he completely ignored them. Being with Ares in the shower made August think of a few months back when they just met, when they weren't close at all.

It was sad to think about, really, because August thought they made progress. He thought they'd gotten close. He'd met the man's family, and it wasn't like they were even dating.

I wish we were dating.

August hated the way he wanted Ares to love him. He wanted Ares to see the extensive amount of bruises on his body and actually react. To ask what happened, to take care of the wounds and confront Sean for making them in the first place.

August hated the way he wanted to wake up next to the Greek-Italian man every morning, and fall asleep next to him every night. August always did things like that; meet someone new, get attached and picture forever with them.

But with Ares, he really wanted forever.

"Where have you been?"

August had only just stepped into the place he wished he could call home before being interrogated. He was too tired to sneak in, so he opted for the front door.

He wished he wasn't tired.


"Really?" Sean rolled his eyes. "Couldn't tell. Come here."

August couldn't be bothered to argue. Seeing his boyfriend only made him more tired. "I'm sorry."

"I haven't done anything."


"You know you shouldn't be out without my permission." Sean said in a sweet voice, holding his boyfriend tightly in his arms. "I want you to sleep here tonight."

"Tonight? Why?"

I want to shower and sleep in my bed, without you. Leave me the fuck alone.

"I missed you, baby."

August resisted the urge to scoff. All Sean had been doing recently was hitting him, and somehow he missed him. August wanted to push him away and make his voice heard, but he couldn't. He would always be powerless against the man who was supposed to love him.


When August woke up, he found a bottle of water and Tylenol on the bedside desk. He wondered why it was there, but figured it out after sitting up.

His stomach hurt like a fucking bitch. A massive purple bruise had begun to form, and August found himself questioning how he didn't even realise it happened. Obviously Sean must've gotten mad whilst August slept, and hit him, but how didn't he feel it?

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