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'someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours, but was he yours if he wanted me so bad?'

- melanie martinez


"I am sick of everyone telling what to do!" August yelled, taking Ares by surprise. "You've messed everything up for me!" He whined.

"What the fuck are you crying about?" Ares muttered. "What'd I do?"

"Typical. Ares 'The God of War' doesn't have a clue about anything unless it's to do with him." The shorter man spat.

Ares didn't like to be spoken to in a disrespectful way; he wouldn't tolerate it from anyone. But for some obscure reason, he loved the way August revealed his true emotions to him and let it all out.

Ares let out a forced laugh. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Oh, shut it with that dominant, I'm so much better than everyone attitude. Can you, for once in your fucking life, listen to someone instead of listening to your fucking dick?!" August shouted, pacing around the office. "I have feelings too, you know. I'm not some fucking toy."

The word 'toy' got Ares' attention. He loved the idea of having August as a little toy. "But would you be interested in being one?"

"God, this is what I'm talking about. You're thinking of sex and sex only. I'm a person, Ares. A fucking person. With feelings, a heart, emotions. I'm not just a body you can use for your own liking."

"Oh, baby, of course, you're not." Ares pouted, faking concern and care. "You're a prince. You deserve to be treated like one."

"Prince?" August whispered. "No- no, don't you fucking do this to me. Don't make me feel special when you're only thinking of yourself right now. I know you are."

"You're shouting at me love, tell me why you didn't act the same way around Sean." Ares said, hoping to spike something within him.

August struggled to respond. Ares had gotten him into a position where he was speechless; he hated the control the boxer had over him. Even so, the boxer couldn't help but wonder as well: why couldn't August stand up to Sean the way he could to Ares?

Ares opened himself up to the possibility that, perhaps, he cared for the shorter man pacing in front of him, but then he scoffed.

Fuck that.

He laughed to himself and watched the younger man fall onto the sofa beside him, running his hands through his hair anxiously.

"You didn't seem to mind my dominance whilst you rode my cock like a whore." Ares smirked.

August hid his face under his hands out of embarrassment. Ares completely changed the person he was whilst being fucked, he unlocked a side of him he didn't know he had.

"Don't be embarrassed baby." Ares sat down beside him and planted soft kisses around his neck and below his ear. "You did so fucking good."

"Do you promise this isn't just for your pleasure?" August whispered, barely containing his arousal. Ares had noticed how turned on the younger man was, all from a few whispers and kisses. He smirked.

"It's all for you. Let me help you darling."

August could hardly keep his dick from twitching through his sweatpants. The boxer kneeled in front of the younger man, his eyes pleading for consent.

He wanted to yell at Ares, to tell him no, to piss him off, but he just couldn't. The effect the older man had on him was beyond insane. He simply nodded.

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