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'i only want to be touched by you, for the rest of my life.'

- unknown


"Fuck August, I want you. But I don't want to have sex with you unless you want it."

"Of course I fucking want it."

"But the deal; I'm not here just for the sex. You know that right?"

"I do, so if you don't take me to your fucking office and fuck me senseless I will literally jump off of this rooftop."

"The things you do to me, August."

The two got up immediately, almost sprinting down to Ares' car. Car sex would be hot, but if Ares was going to fuck August for the first time since December, it was not going to be in a fucking car. It made sense to go to his office, because that's where they first had sex.

Ares probably got a speeding ticket on the way there, but he didn't care.

It was so similar to the shitty rom-coms August liked, the way the two went into the office and immediately started making out on the closed door. The way they tore at each other's clothes was so cliche, but neither cared.

Ares picked up August, slamming him against the door with a familiar roughness, kissing him like it would be the end of the world if he didn't. Holding on tightly, Ares took the younger man to his desk, placing the man on the black surface.

Ares sat down in his chair after stripping, whilst August stripped on the table. If he knocked a couple things of the desk, he didn't care.

Ares kissed August again, before making his way down August's jawline, down his neck, down his toned stomach and onto the first burn mark. He took a minute to analyse the body in front of him, missing it dearly, but also frowning when he saw the new scars and bruises.

"When did all of this-"

"Fuck me now, talk later."

Yeah, Ares could work with that.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his desk drawer, lighting one, getting shamefully aroused when August touched the mark on his chest again. He inhaled and then blew smoke into August's mouth. August blew it towards the ceiling, his jawline prominent, and fuck, if that didn't turn on Ares even more.

"You make me crazy, August."

"As do you, sir."

Ares groaned, hearing that beautiful word again, and began to kiss August again. He missed the taste of August so much, more than any substance he'd ever been addicted to. August was his drug, and he didn't care that he was relapsing.

Letting go, he tapped out ash onto the Venezuelan man's bronze skin, loving the way August reacted. His beautiful moans had Ares painfully hard.

"I don't wanna rush this."

"Fuck off, Ares. I know you're trying to be better, but I don't give a shit about being better when we're fucking. If you don't treat me like some whore you picked up in a bar, I'll go find someone else who can do that for me."

August knew what buttons to push, and smiled when the jealousy shone through Ares transparently. The boxer flipped the smaller man around and shoved him forward, so he was bent over the desk.

Ares put his fingers in front of August, who understood, and sucked on them like it was something else. As August asked, Ares slammed the two fingers into him roughly, groaning when August arched his back and moaned.

He handed the cigarette to the younger man whilst fucking him with his other hand, and sped up upon seeing the smoke in front of August.

Good thing he didn't have smoke alarms in his office.

"Fuck, sir, I'm close. You might want to stop."

"It's been a while, darling, I don't care if you cum a hundred times. This is for you just as much as it is for me."

"Shit, Ares, fuck me now."


"Fuck me, sir."

Who was Ares to deny that pretty request?

He grabbed a condom and lube before flipping August over again, wanting to see the man's pretty face when he came all over himself.

"You ready?"

"Do I need to say it again? Fuck me already."


"For you."

Ares eased himself into August, taking the cigarette back when he bottomed out. He blew the smoke over the Venezuelan man's body, tapping ash over his stomach. As he began to thrust again, he pulled August so he was almost sitting up, just so he could blow smoke in his mouth again.

He didn't know if that was a kink, but he definitely got turned on by it.

Without warning, Ares sped up, holding onto August's hips so tightly he thought it might bruise. "You're so fucking tight."

"So change that."

Ares slowed down only to speed up again, finding August's prostate. His cock met the sweet spot at almost every thrust, making August moan loudly like a pornstar. When he realised that August was about to finish, he flipped August's arm, tracing the burn marks before putting out the cigarette.

And August came all over himself, his whole body jerking, muscles clenching around Ares so perfectly that Ares finished at the same time. Despite both of them finishing, Ares kept going.

"Ares." August breathed out, feeling so perfectly overstimulated. "Sir."

With his free hand, Ares wrapped his hand around the younger man's dick, jerking him off at the same pace as his thrusts. The whole building could probably hear their moans, but neither cared.

"You like that, you fucking whore? You like moaning so loud the next three floors can hear you?"

August nodded.

"Bet you love the way they wish they could join. They're all probably so hard, listening to your slutty sounds. You'd love if they came and finished whilst watching you."

"Fuck, sir, yes."

"You'd love even more if they begged to have a turn with you. But I wouldn't let them, because you're all mine, aren't you?"

"Fuck, yes."

"Say it, August. Who do you belong to?"

"You. Ares, sir, I'm yours. No one else's."

"And you love it, don't you." Ares felt himself getting close again. "You love being mine. You love my hands all over your body."

"I do, I really do."

"You wish you could stay here forever, being my personal whore whenever I need to let off some steam."

August nodded, the pleasure making him unsure if he could even form a coherent sentence.

"Can't speak, love? Am I fucking you too hard?"

He shook his head, his curls bouncing along. God, Ares loved August's curls.

"No? Should I go faster? Harder? Fuck you so hard you forget your own name?" He copied his words, going at a brutal pace. And August loved it.


"You don't know what you do to me, August." Ares breathed out. "I'm close."

"Me too."

Ares sped up, letting go of August's dick, wanting the younger man to come from the sex alone. And he did, moments later, inciting Ares' climax too.

The room was silent, save for their heavy breathing, as Ares pulled out and binned the condom. Wordlessly, he picked up August and took him to the shower.

"Are you trying to fuck me for the third time?"

"You want to?"

"Fuck yes."

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