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'you can't get anywhere in life without taking risks'

- esme bianco 


He knew it was incredibly risky to be giving Ares a blowjob in a room filled with people, important people, who Ares probably needed to pay attention to. His boyfriend was in the room, he recognised the blond's voice.

Yet August found himself not caring. He was, embarrassingly so, aroused. He wanted to give Ares pleasure knowing the boxer would not be able to do anything to him in return. No teasing, no shouting, no commanding.

August had Ares in his control, or so he thought.

There was a moment where he questioned what he was doing; did he want this? 

But Ares confirmed that for him, mutely, when he grabbed his arm only to let go. He wanted it, just as much as August did.

"So we need to discuss the reason why we're here. Anyone actually read their email to see what our meeting is about?" Florence began. "Ares, since you're here?"

August felt like being a bitch, mad that there was a bruise on his torso and shin because of the man in front of him. So, he chose that moment to take in Ares, almost laughing when he heard Ares' response.

"Well, the meeting is about-" The boxer stopped momentarily, whispering every swear word he possibly could at the smaller man beneath him. "I'm actually unsure."

"You didn't read the email." Florence rolled her eyes. She didn't expect him to have done so.

"Well, what's it about then?"

August tuned them all out, focussing solely on the man in front of him. Ares was easy to please, but hard to please at the same time. Despite being quite new to this, August still knew how to make the boxer finish quickly.

He didn't want that.

August pulled off and licked the man's tip slowly, teasingly. His hand was wrapped around the base of Ares' cock, his nails grazing slightly again the skin, knowing it would gain a reaction.

The curly-haired man smiled when he saw Ares' body tense, his dick twitching at the sensation. He could almost feel the desperation to be properly pleased come off of the older man, and it made August laugh.

He heard his boyfriend's voice, the one who hurt him two nights in a row, because of Ares. He felt mad again and decided to take all of Ares in his mouth, letting his teeth come in contact with his skin. He knew how much that pissed off the boxer, and he loved it.

Ares had twitched again, his hand subtly reaching down to grab August's face. Once he had, he pulled the Venezuelan boy off of him and slapped the man's face, harshly, yet soft at the same time. August's jaw was held in Ares' hands, his nails digging into his skin as though to warn him not to play any games.

August wasn't one for defiance, but his anger hadn't subsided yet, and he took that warning like it was nothing and ignored it; he wasn't done messing around.

He first decided to be sweet, just as Ares wanted. He took in every inch of Ares' dick, head bobbing up and down and his tongue flicked around to create even more pleasure. He could see Ares' hand in the corner of his eyes tapping against his thigh, itching to grab August's head and have his way with him.

But he had to focus, and August loved that.

August brought his hand up to Ares' leg, fingers dancing against the fabric, crawling up to where the Greek man's hand rested. He tapped the man's hand before moving his fingers away, getting further and further up his thigh.

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