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'there's always room to be a better person. always'

- sonya teclai


Ares waited patiently for August to reply. In the time that it took for August to make up his mind, Ares was getting his shit together. Or trying to, at least. And for the most part, it was working well.

The road to sobriety was long and incredibly difficult, but he was getting somewhere. Every time he felt like drinking his liver away and drowning out the thoughts in his head, he called his sister. His sister was there for him the first time he struggled with sobriety, and she promised she'd be there if he struggled again.

Which was now.

Lana wasn't always there, which wasn't her fault, she had a life, but that made Ares wonder why he didn't have a wider support system. It made him realise that, for an incredibly social, well-known person, he was incredibly fucking lonely.

And so he found himself socialising with Alessia, his cousin. He found that Alessia was actually tolerable, despite being from his dad's side of the family. She was funny and knew how to deal with a recovering alcoholic, and Ares was okay with that.

Though being alive felt boring without something to take him away from reality, he was getting there. His boxing season was going to start soon, and he'd been working hard to get better, stronger.

He'd been told off repeatedly by his trainer for overdoing himself, and he'd surprised the English man when he listened. Eventually.

Keeping himself active didn't quiet all the thoughts in his mind, like why August wouldn't leave Sean, or why Sean was hurting August, or if August was okay because he was stuck in an abusive relationship. But it kept away the thoughts of drinking, and that was enough.


Recovering requires relapse, and he'd never get anywhere if he didn't slip up first.

Aside from all of that, Ares had also been researching domestic abuse, abusive relationships and basically anything abuse-related. He wanted to understand why August was the way he was, and how to help. He only wanted to help.

It felt alien to care so much for someone.

Weeks of wondering and waiting passed and eventually August reached out. His text was simple, but it made Ares happier than ever, and though he ended up laughing at the soft, pining person he'd become, he texted back immediately.

meet at our rooftop.

Do you need a ride?


He waited a while before leaving, knowing August would walk to the rooftop and that would take him quite some time. And then he left, with a pack of cigarettes (quitting everything would be impossible), a lighter, and hope.

That feels weird.



Hearing August say Ares' name was like angels singing in his ears. Fuck, he was down bad, and he didn't care. Falling for someone wasn't a crime. It might be very unlike him, but it wasn't illegal.

"How are you?"

August sat on the ledge, dangling his legs as he always did. "I'm okay."

The spring weather made the world have the perfect balance of hot to cold, and the sun was setting softly. It was beautiful; the sun always set perfectly around August.

I'm becoming a sap.

The lighting was perfect on August's tanned skin, and it made the fading bruise on his cheekbone prominent. It seemed so normal to see a bruise on the physiotherapist's skin, and it angered Ares. How did he ignore the obvious abuse for so long?

"Your, er, face-"

"Is bruised. Sean hit me. Big fucking deal."

Ares sighed and pulled out his pack of cigarettes, lighting one and silently offering it to August, who put his hand on his chest and took it. Ares couldn't help but smile, knowing the burn still had an effect on the Venezuelan man.

And fuck, it turned him on too.

Can't have him that way anymore. Focus on helping him.

"It is a big deal." He began before placing his own cigarette to his lips. "I'm sorry I didn't do anything about all the bruises for... well, for the entire time we hooked up."

"I didn't want you to. I still don't."

"That doesn't change the fact that I saw all the bruises and ignored them. I should've asked, I should've figured it out. I should've figured it out right at the start, that time outside my office when-"

"Don't." August said sharply. He didn't want to think about that day. He didn't really want to think about any of it.

"You wanted to meet me. Tell me why."

"I talked about the situation with a friend, and it helped me realise that, no matter how... er, messy our situation was, I'm drawn to you. I like being around you. So if I can't stay away, I should benefit from it, somehow, so, let's make a new deal."

Despite being honest and slightly sincere, August's face stayed neutral. If he was feeling anything at all, he didn't show it.

"Go on."

"We don't hook up. You help me, only help me, like you said you would. And if I can work through all my shit, and you're willing, and I'm willing, we get together, somehow."


August's face softened at the way Ares didn't wait a second to agree. He wanted Ares so badly, and not even in a sexual way. He wanted a relationship with Ares.

And Ares wanted the same, but August was with Sean.

"Why are you with Sean if he hurts you?"

And though Ares' tone was caring, and not invasive, August didn't know how to reply. The way he held himself back made Ares all the more angry, but only at Sean. It was all he felt recently: anger towards Sean.

"How do I help you if you don't talk about it?"

"I just need a person. Like, someone to be there even if it means I don't talk about what's wrong. I need someone I know I can go to when shit gets bad. I need someone who makes me feel safe."

"I'll be that person." Ares decided. "I'm trying, and I swear I'll keep trying for you. I only want you safe, secure, and away from Sean. If I can't keep you from Sean, I'll make you feel safe anyway."

The sun was barely visible, but Ares could see the way August's face went pink, and the way he smiled though he tried not to. Ares was at peace, in this moment, with August.

He didn't need anything more.

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