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'but not too far or you'll be drowned'

- evan rachel wood


On a typical New Years, August would spend the day with a friend, though he didn't really have many, or with his mom. After dating Sean, he found himself spending the day with his boyfriend. 

This New Years, August had his last-kiss-of-the-year and first-kiss-of-the-year, and they were supposed to spend the day watching cheesy Christmas movies and bake random things. Usually it was August doing all the work and Sean eating all the food, but it was what it was. August somehow enjoyed it.

Must be a side effect from the lack of comfort, attention and love in his life.

However, this year, when August woke up, Sean was not next to him. It was weird, because he was so used to waking up alone, and this still somehow hurt. It really hurt, because he had his hopes up.

Expect disappointment and you'll never be disappointed.

God he wished he expected this.

He sighed and got out of bed, looking around for his phone. He realised he left it downstairs and sighed again, wanting to go back to sleep. After the awards ceremony, he wanted Ares to text him. He wanted nothing more than an apology, and another text asking to meet up. 

And upon meeting up, Ares would realise how much he loved August and ask to go out with him, and save him from the shithole he lived in, away from the shitbag that hurt him constantly. He wanted Ares to save him.

But no. The boxer couldn't care less about him.

And that just hurt. It really fucking hurt.

"I'd like to thank a special Venezuelan man for that. Helped me through my injury. Couldn't have done this without him."

August screamed into a pillow.

Was that all I was to him? A good fuck to help him out in the ring?

He got up and went downstairs to find his phone, and when he checked the notifications, he screamed because he looked for Ares'. And there wasn't any. God, he wanted nothing more than to get his mind off of the stupid Greek-Italian boxer who fucked him up completely, in more ways than one.

"What's all the screaming about?"

August jumped when he saw Sean in the living room behind him. Despite having an open-plan kitchen/living room, he hadn't noticed. Yes, the place was massive, but Sean should've been noticeable.

How was I so focussed on Ares that I didn't even notice the person I'm always looking out for? This man has fucking ruined me.

"I stubbed my toe." August lied.

"Stop screaming over petty things, God." Sean rolled his eyes. "You're giving me a migraine."

When Sean stalked over to him, August realised he was dressed. And he looked good. Sean was wearing a black tux, just without a tie. The blazer was buttoned, which ruined it completely, so August instinctively unbuttoned it.

"Where you going?"

"None of your business." Sean spat.

August stood back. Sean was in a good mood recently, and August cursed himself for thinking it'd last. He was so gullible.

"Alright. Can I go out to get food?"


August nodded awkwardly, waiting for his boyfriend to leave. Once the blond had finally gone, the brunet let out a breath he didn't realise he was holding. The fear that Sean inflicted on his boyfriend never faded. 

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