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'there are memories that time does not erase'

- cassandra clare 


Ares had just fucked the sense out of August, leaving him euphoric and dazed, still trying to come down from his high.

Ares wanted more.

After having sex, the two would normally wash up separately and go on with their days, but this time, Ares needed more. August had gotten him hard again without meaning to, all by looking completely innocent despite being covered head to toe in Ares' come.

"Up. You need to clean up."

"Tired." The curly-haired man mumbled.

Ares heaved the exhausted man into his arms, carrying him into the shower and standing him up.

"No more.." August rubbed his eyes sleepily. He could almost fall asleep right there.

"I'm only washing you, darling." Ares smirked, knowing he'd wake up the man eventually. All he had to do was touch him in the right places as he cleaned him, and August would be ready for a round two immediately.

Nodding, August allowed the older man to do so. He flinched when the water had touched his back. It was too hot, since he was used to having lukewarm water in his outhouse. Despite that, he instantly warmed up to it.

"Should I do anything for your hair?"

"No, no, I wash my hair in a very specific way."

"That's how you get those beautiful curls, right?"

August nodded. "Yeah. It's a lot of effort though."

"Worth it." Ares kissed his forehead, and then grabbed his signature body wash, which he didn't let anyone use. August was unaware of that, and had he known, he would've gotten on his knees immediately.

Applying it onto the loofah, Ares began to wash off the specific parts of August's body that weren't covered in cum, waiting for the water to wash that away. Once it had, he washed the sensitive parts of the smaller man's body, jerking him and his dick awake.


"Did I say you could call me that?"

"But- but we're not-"

Ares looked him up and down. "Looks like you need to."

August whined, his body completely drained. He couldn't possibly let Ares fuck him again, could he?

"Let me help you out, darling." Ares offered, wrapping his hand around August's semi-hard dick, evoking instant moans and gasps from him. "Seems like you like it."

August had to hold onto Ares' shoulders for support, breathing heavily. Why was he so sensitive to the boxer's touch? It felt like a curse sometimes. When he was close, the man stopped, an arrogant smile on his face.

"Why?" He whined. He was fully awake now, and was craving a release.

"Oh, August, you didn't think I'd let you come on your own, did you?"



August sighed and dropped himself down, wincing at how uncomfortable the tiles beneath him were. He didn't see this as the best place to give head, but if it allowed to him to come, it would have to do.

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