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'some of the most poisonous people come disguised as friends and family'

- unknown


"Now that Juliette is free and safe, how do we get Sean and Andrew in prison? And what do I do with Dawn?" 

"Ruin Dawn's reputation. That would hurt her the most. And get some sort of video proof of Sean and Andrew hurting August." 

"I don't want him hurt." 

Lana smiled. "You have to, otherwise there's not enough proof for the two to be jailed. Andrew has a history and would be back in immediately, but Sean would require a trial and without enough evidence he could walk. And that would only get August hurt further."

"He went through hell getting Andrew in prison the first time. I don't want to put him through that again."

"Then you have to make the tough decision and let him get hurt. It'll prevent any further pain in the future. This would be the last time someone hurts him. He has to do this."

Ares sighed. "Alright. Tell him about that whilst I find a way to get Dawn to admit to what she did. Is what she did a criminal offense? I mean, I think she aided Andrew's release and planned to hurt someone by doing so." 

"Maybe. If she says something damning enough, we could probably get her imprisoned. That'd definitely ruin her reputation."

He nodded. "I'm scared I'll get mad enough to hit her, and I don't want to hit a woman. I'll never hit a woman, I know that, but god, this makes me livid."

"I'll come with you. You can't hit a girl but no one said I can't."

Ares loved his sister infinitely.

Ares got his phone out and left it recording as he entered Dawn's apartment. She'd invited him after he asked to talk. He was planning to record the conversation and ruin her with it somehow. Dawn was gullible and naive, and he was hoping that would work to his advantage.

"Ares, babe, what's up? You said you wanted to talk."

He sat down on the foot of her bed, and she held his hand lovingly. Ares wanted to push her off of him, but held himself back. "You know the guy from the Olive Garden? The one who I said was my business partner?"

"August, right?"

I never told you that.

"Yeah." Ares smiled. "How'd you know I was sleeping with him, and that we stopped sleeping together?"


"When I came over the other day, you comforted me for a breakup, said sleeping together would be a good way to distract me. Rebound sex." Ares said. "How did you know I needed that?"

"Oh, well, a friend told me who he was and that you two had broken up."


Dawn shrugged. They both knew she was talking about Sean.

"Well, I'm grateful. To be honest, being with August was fucking exhausting. Once that video got out, and bless whoever took it, I accused him of trying to be public and we broke up for it. Honestly, that video did me a favour."

Dawn fell for the bait easily. "Oh, well, I took the video. I saw you guys after I left the restaurant and figured it could help you get out of that relationship if you ever needed to. I saw how uncomfortable you were when you explained who he was. Clearly you didn't want to be with him."

"You're right. But if you posted the video, there must've been more you've done, right? I've known you for long enough to know you're incredibly sly." Ares said proudly, even though he wanted to rip all of her hair out of her scalp. 

"Well... You know August is dating Sean Matthews, right?"

"He is?" He feigned shock, quite well. "I slept with that douchebag's boyfriend? God, that's disgusting. The fact that he cheated on Sean is just awful, though. Cheaters fucking disgust me."

Not you, August. You cheating was my fault, and Sean cheated too, so technically it's mutual and therefore even.

"Yeah, so I told Sean that he was being cheated on, because that's what a good friend does. And he was livid, so he asked me for a favour. He wanted me to get August's dad out of jail, just to teach August a lesson, so I did. It's good payback, right?"

"That's pretty smart.. but why would that matter? What did his dad do?"

"He was abusive apparently. Used to hit his wife a lot. Sean said something about trying to scare August, his mom and maybe hurt them, but I doubt he would actually let Andrew do that." Dawn explained. "Andrew's his dad, if you didn't realise."

"So... you recorded us, ruined our relationship, got a man out of prison as a revenge tactic knowing the man had a history of being abusive, knowing the man could hurt August and his mom?" 

"Well, when you say it like that it sounds bad."

"Because it is bad, Dawn." Ares snapped. "What the actual fuck?!"

"I thought you were happy about this?" 

"No, you fucking idiot, I was just trying to get you to explain it. God, I knew I was smart to break up with you. I can't fucking believe you. Please, disrespectfully, never fucking talk to me again." Ares stood up and grabbed his phone before walking to the door.

"No, Ares, you don't mean that. It isn't that bad. I just wanted to please you."

"Please me?" Ares laughed. "You put the man I love in danger and you think that'll please me?"

"The man you love?"

Ares didn't realise he'd said that until Dawn repeated it with a look of hurt on her face. "Well, yes, I guess I love him. So stay the fuck away from me. You have no fucking idea what you've done."

"Ares, I'm sorry-"

"No, Dawn. You can't just say sorry and think it's all good. What was the real reason you did this for?" Ares was going to lose it if she excused her behaviour for jealousy. 

"I wanted you back."

He was losing it.

"You're never fucking having me back. We were never compatible. I'm glad I broke up with you, and it'll stay that way forever. Stay the fuck away from me, Dawn."

"Ares-" She reached out for his arm, but he moved back quickly, hands balled into fists. He couldn't hit her.

"Lana's going to be here in a few seconds. She'll do to you what I wish I could."

When Ares left and Lana went in, Ares couldn't find an ounce of sympathy for his ex as his sister slapped her, made her cry and tore at her hair. He just needed to finish the plan and keep August safe.

Because he loved August. And it was beautiful to have realised that.

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