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'been so long and now we're finally free'

- julie and the phantoms  


Ares placed August onto his bed delicately as he searched the room for all the hidden cameras. Once he found all of them, he collected them up and checked the app on his phone. The footage was there, evidence clear as day. Sean and Andrew were fucked.

The sirens got louder, and Ares opened the front door for the police and ambulance. He made sure to let them know that August was the priority for the ambulance, and then he was off to the ER with Lana. 

Ares stayed back to explain everything to the police. He had a car and was fully capable of driving himself there in time. August would need some rest, and Lana was there, so she could text him when August was awake.

The police came in and found Sean and Andrew unconscious. Andrew was taken off in an ambulance, but handcuffed to make sure he didn't try to pull a runner. Sean was simply woken up and taken away in handcuffs too. He'd be questioned down at the station.

Ares felt a sense of relief, for him and August, when the outhouse was empty and Sean and Andrew were both in handcuffs, years in prison waiting for them. He couldn't wait to tell August it was all over, and that they could be together in peace now.

He let the police seal off the house as he drove off to the hospital. It was over. They were finally free.

August was finally free.

"How is he?" Ares asked Lana after finding her in the waiting room.

"He's worse off than I thought. I- I know it was my idea to let him do this but- it was a shitty idea. He's hurt. It's my fault."

"No it isn't." Ares held his sister's shoulder. "It's his dickhead dad and ex's fault. They're the abusive bastards with anger issues who couldn't keep themselves in check." 

"I didn't think they'd go that far."

"You know, the saddest thing is, he's probably used to this." Ares sighed. "He's probably dealt with being this hurt without treatment before. His mom, too."

"How is she? Have you made sure she's alright? Does she know about-"

"She's okay."

Lana let out a breath of relief. "Andrew's here too, with a police detail making sure he doesn't try to run off. Handcuffed down too. Apparently someone got a bit angry and smashed his face in."


Lana rolled her eyes and hugged her brother. "Thank you for doing this for him. August's one of my closest friends. It was always hard having to listen to him talking about getting hurt and having no one to help him."

"He's not alone anymore." Ares smiled. "Are you staying?"

"I'm not sure yet." Lana smiled apologetically. "I might move back to where I used to work, let August work there too. A sense of familiarity and independence might be good for him. But if not, I'll go back. I might have to."

"Will you stay for a bit?" 

"Of course. I'm here for at least a month." 

A nurse came out before Ares could say anything. "Visitors of August Lopez?"

"That's us." Lana dragged Ares towards her. "How is he?"

"He's got two broken ribs, his throat is bruised from what appears to be from being strangled multiple times. His body is covered in bruises all over and he has a mild concussion. His concussion should be gone in a few days, the bruises will take two weeks or so and his ribs will heal on their own in a few weeks, no more than two months." 

"When can he be discharged?"

"I'd like him to stay for another day, just to monitor him. But when he's discharged, make sure he keeps it easy, eats and hydrates himself regularly."

"Will do. Can we see him?"

"He's unconscious right now, but should be awake in a little bit." She smiled. "But sure, go ahead."

Lana and Ares went into the room immediately, Ares sitting down next to the hospital bed, Lana sitting in the corner. The two spoke quietly, Ares holding August's hand the whole time, until August eventually woke up.

"Hey, tesoro." Ares rubbed the younger man's knuckles. "You okay?"

"Is it over?"

"It's over."

August let out a breath he'd been holding for far too long, the tension in his body slipping away. "I'm finally free."

"About damn time."

August was discharged the next day, but he didn't know where he was supposed to go. His old home was a crime scene, and his apartment from pre-Sean times was gone now, sold off to someone else. He had no money, no home and no idea what he was supposed to do.

But Ares was there, and he took August back to his fancy top-floor apartment. August was afraid of going back there, but Ares wanted August now. The memories of that awful night felt like nothing now, because he was free. Sean was gone. August could do what he wanted now.

August was on bed rest, unwillingly, for the next few weeks. He had police come visit and ask what happened, and it felt exhilarating to tell them everything. He was free. Sean was to be put on trial in a few months, and was rotting away in prison for now. Andrew went straight back to his old cell. 

Lana helped August with a little bit of physio, but he was mostly on bed rest.

"Why are you taking care of me?" August asked quietly, one night. 

"Because I care about you?"

"I- but why?" August didn't know how to react to being taken care of. He was never taken care of, always taking care of others instead. 

"Because it's been a while since someone's looked after you, and you deserve it." Ares ran a hand through August's hair. "You mean a lot to me, Lopez. Of course I'm gonna look after you."

"It feels weird. I'm not used to it."

"You'll be used to it eventually, tesoro. I'm never letting anyone hurt you again." Ares smiled. "You deserve the world. Life has not been fair on you."

"What does tesoro mean?" 



"You're so pretty when you speak Spanish."

August blushed. "You sound nice when you speak Italian." 

"Still can't take a compliment, hm?" Ares ruffled his curls. "I'll help you learn. You're free now. It's about time someone treated you well." 

Ares knew August was hesitant to accept love and help, since he'd been deprived of it for so long, but he would make sure the younger man got some affection. It didn't take a genius to realise August needed it.

Ares would give it to him.

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