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'there is no shame in being hungry for another person'

- augusten burroughs


Ares towered his heavily defined, half-naked body onto the younger man's. August had a mask of innocence in his eyes as he covered his naked body awkwardly.

Ares noticed and it pissed him off. "Your body is mine and I decide when I want to see it."

August nodded. He knew that Ares had more strength and power over him, and for some reason, it turned him on.

Ares slammed his larger body onto the the younger man, trailing intense kisses all the way from his ear to his collarbone, leaving obvious marks. Beautiful, obvious marks.

August couldn't conceal his helpless moans. His legs went to jelly as Ares held him up while vigorously caressing his upper body. Staring into the eyes of the pleasured boy, Ares couldn't help but smash his lips onto the man beneath him, swirling his tongue, desperate to taste him. August's eyes widened- he had never been kissed so lustily, and Ares made him crave even more.

Ares shoved him to the ground and unbuckled his trousers, revealing his large cock. August stared up at him in surprise, almost fear.

"It's-" August mumbled. "It's too big..."

Ares stared down at him, smiling in excitement.

"Take it, whore."

August circled his tongue around Ares' dick. He didn't know what do to, and didn't want to make a mistake for Ares.

Ares' face stiffened, unsure on what the fuck August was doing.

"If I feel any teeth, you're going to fucking die." He moaned.

August looked up into his eyes, his jaw was clenched, but he knew he was enjoying it: his erection proved so.

Ares groaned, his sweaty hair soaking his pillow. The time showed 5:26AM. He laid awake, his dick hard as a rock.


The stadium was empty, Ares had spent the morning training for his upcoming match. From meetings, to interviews and press conferences; Ares for the first time in a while, felt stable. He had managed to go through a morning of overdue tasks without feeling glum.

Exiting his second meeting of the morning, Florence couldn't help but tease. "Could it really be you, Ares Cirillo, standing in front of me?"

Ares grinned. "Do you wish it wasn't?"

"I'm unsure- it's not like I'd ever expect the real him to turn up to a business meeting. I'd like to see some identification please." She chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, identification my ass. I'm on top today. Fuck it, nobody can do it better than Ares; even if that means attending some shitty meeting about advertisements."

Florence smiled, her dark brown eyes glistening through her glasses.

"I really do like seeing this side of you; it makes me happy."

Instead of denying that statement, or arguing, Ares somewhat smiled and kissed the side of her cheek. "Thank you beautiful, and if you ever crave anything more than a kiss, you know where I am." He winked.

Florence rolled her eyes.

Ares retreated from the young lady, heading to his office.

"Oh, and Ares." Florence called.

He turned his head back to her direction. "Hm?"

"That boy, he should be here by now."

Ares knew that by 'boy' she meant August. Utter excitement washed through his face as he realised he was about to live out his fantasy. He craved to speak to August more, ever since the after party; maybe he liked the way they were, or maybe he wanted to spike something in Sean. Whatever it was, Ares did not care. He had what he wanted right within his reach.

Ares exited the elevator, his hands stuffed into his pockets, and his hood up.

Right outside his office door he focused his eyes onto a worker pointing to the direction of his door, to a face that looked merely familiar.

There you are.

The younger man thanked him, and wandered over to Ares' office door, his eyes darting across the spacious lobby, almost mesmerised. The lobby was Ares' personal waiting room, in his opinion; the amount of women who'd previously sat there waiting for his attention was unbelievable.

August noticed Ares' inscrutable eyes, they both locked. Ares had noticed a flushed look written all over August, who was obviously nervous.

Ares welcomed August into his office. He despised having unwanted guests in his personal space, but for August, he made a slight adjustment.

"So where you wanna do this?" Ares muttered.

August twitched slightly at his words, catching him off guard. "Oh uh, I just need to a spacious room, preferably with a bed, but anything else like a sofa or a mat is okay too."

"A bed is perfect." Ares smirked, but August didn't catch on to what he meant.

Ares adjusted himself onto the mattress of his pullout sofa bed, almost naked. August stared hesitantly at his muscular torso, preparing for the therapy. It all started calmly, August adjusted his nerves and massaged Ares' defined body. Ares seemed relaxed and closed his eyes, enjoying it all. August moved his hands all around Ares, until he finally got to his legs. At this point, he had lost concentration in what we was doing, and slipped his hand further than he intended for them to go. Ares' eyes glanced his way, wide open.

"My apologies, sir! Really, It was an accident. I completely understand If you want me to leave."

"You done?" Ares yawned.

August looked red, evidently embarrassed.

"Look, August, yes?" Ares sat up, his face a breath away from the younger man's.

August slowly nodded, surprised by the little distance between the two.

"Truth is, I'm interested in you." He began, reading August's facial expressions. "I didn't just call you here for some therapy; I called you here because the last time we spoke, it did something to me- it did something to my dick; more than anyone I've spoken to before. I need you. Truthfully, I couldn't give a shit if you have anything personal going on with Sean. It's like I need you in order to win my matches. You're the key to my success In this stupid industry. I want to fuck you August."

I want to fuck you August.

for all the 'this is like jinx' comments, i'd j like to say c (the other writer) did get the boxer/physiotherapist idea from jinx but when we came up w the plot of this together the rest was all OUR idea and personally i have no idea what jinx is ! 

according to c, literally everything else aside from the boxer/physiotherapist thing is completely ours and nothing like jinx

so yeah it's a bit inspired by jinx but barely and blood runs red is OUR idea 


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