Chapter One

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Chapter One





"I've got to catch these guys, Karen!" Peter Parker panted as he soared through the air on his thin line of webbing.

He was currently chasing a group of thugs who still possessed some of the Chitauri tech that Toomes had distributed. It's been nine months since his final battle with the Vulture, but the tech that Toomes had sold for years was still out there... in the hands of many, many bad guys.

Those very bad guys were now speeding down the busy streets of Manhattan in a white van, pointing their weapons at him, trying to shoot the Amazing Spider-Man out of the sky. Peter had to admit, there were a few close calls, but he had managed to twist out of the way before the cosmic energy had a chance to touch him. Ever since his newfound 'spider-sense' had developed as a new power two months ago, no one could deny that he had gotten significantly better at his superhero job.

No one could touch him. He was too agile, too quick. With his spider-sense, he finally felt that he was the hero he always knew he could be. Even Mr. Stark had to admit it, though he only did so once... begrudgingly.

"You have really grown into your own, kid," Mr. Stark had told him, in that flippant manner of speaking, which gave off the vibe that he actually didn't care enough for Peter to see it as a real compliment.

Still, Peter had beamed at the praise and had jokingly said that he might just be too good for the Avengers, which was another reason he had to turn down Mr. Stark's offer. That comment had gotten him a light slap on the back of his head as Mr. Stark had rolled his eyes.

"I have calculated that the fastest way to catch your objectives is to launch yourself off of the flagpole two hundred feet ahead of you, Peter," His A.I. - Karen - informed him in that robotically warm voice of hers. On the screen in front of his eye-lenses, the very flagpole she had been speaking of had been highlighted to show what she had been referring to.

Peter immediately went for it. Landing on the flagpole and in the next instant, launching himself off from it. He hurdled high through the air until he was right on top of the white van in the sky. Peter shot out a web that immediately latched itself onto the top of the van, and used the taught pull of it to propel himself down on the roof of the moving vehicle, landing nimbly on his feet.

"Where'd the Spider-Freak go?!" He heard one of the goons exclaim from within the vehicle, as they had lost sight of him trailing their van.

Peter grinned as he flipped backward from the edge of the roof, right through the open doors of the back of the van.

"Spider-Freak?" He asked with a sardonic chuckle as they all jumped and yelled out in surprise by his sudden appearance. He leapt out of the way as one thug immediately shot cosmic energy at the spot he had been previously standing in before landing sideways on the wall. "Don't you mean, ridiculously handsome Spider-Freak?"

He flipped off of the wall and kicked one of the men right in the face, using his ugly mug as a backboard to launch off of for another flip.

Peter landed low in a crouch and used his web to pull one of the weapons from another thug's surprised hands. "I mean... because you have to admit that this suit - this suit - is the best thing you miscreants will ever lay eyes on!"

Peter webbed every thug to all manner of surfaces of the van... including the driver, who Peter had pulled out of his seat from the front, before firing off a web to keep the car break down.

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