Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen




It was only about an hour later when Peter was swinging back to his apartment. He felt comfortable in the fact that the crime he stopped was small-scale enough where it wouldn't end up on the news - where May and Mr. Stark would find out about it. The last thing that he needed was another lecture.

Turning the corner onto his street, his eyes automatically went to the rooftop where he left MJ.

She wasn't there.

Of course she wasn't still there. She wouldn't wait around all night for him to return when he gave her no such guarantee.

Still, he found himself disappointed that their time was cut short. Peter had been enjoying himself, just talking with her about whatever topic came to mind. Though... it was a sad irony that she happened to call both of his personas a nerd... then again, she did imply to the 'Peter Parker' side of him that he was a cool nerd. She never said as much to Spider-Man... but one could argue that being cool was just implied for Spider-Man. The words didn't need to be spoken in order for the fact of it to be universally accepted as truth.

And Mary Jane certainly went out of her way to see Spider-Man again... so it was obvious that she was fond of him.

Wow. Even while in his suit, he was jealous of his super-hero persona - at least, he was when it came to Mary Jane Watson.

Swinging up to the side of his building, his spider-sense alerted him that the coast was clear before he attached himself to the wall right outside his bedroom. Utilizing his sticky fingers, he used them to open his window and crawled inside onto the ceiling.

"Hey, dude!" An excited voice resounded from his bed as soon as Peter entered. Surprised momentarily, Peter looked over before he grinned.

It was Ned.

He jumped down from the ceiling with a little flip and landed nimbly on his feet before he took off his mask. "Hey man!"

They did their handshake. Peter had only just remembered how to do it again last week. But Ned was patient with him and didn't force it on him earlier than what his memory could recall.

"What are you doing here? I thought you worked late tonight?" Peter asked as he pushed the spider symbol on his chest to loosen the fabric of the suit.

"It was slow, so they let me go early," Ned replied as Peter walked over to his dresser to fish around for a t-shirt from his drawer. He found one and whipped it haphazardly over his head.

"Dude, that's awesome!" Peter beamed at his best friend while he shoved his legs through some sweatpants that he plucked from his unfolded laundry basket, "I hope you haven't been waiting here too long."

Ned waved a dismissive hand at him.

"Nah. Only about a half-hour. And I was talking to May while you were gone. She told me that you were meeting a girl on the rooftop," Ned's tone was sly, in a blatant attempt at trying to fish for more information.

Peter's eyes bulged as he very nearly fell over from putting on his socks while standing up. "What? How did May know?"

Had she been eavesdropping on his conversation with Mr. Stark the other day?

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