Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four




It's been five years since he lost the kid.

Five years of trying to move on with his life - to move past the guilt and shame... at least, that's what his therapist tells him he should be trying to do.

But the truth was, Tony was just stuck. He didn't particularly want to move on from Peter Parker. He wanted to keep him alive in his mind at least, so Tony made a point to think of him often. Especially whenever he tinkered around in the shop. There may or may not be fifty or so blueprints to different versions of new and improved Spider-Suits - but the ideas only stayed on paper. He hadn't the heart to actually bring them into fruition.

"So... this 'Peter Parker'," The expensive therapist, Dr. Brenda Wellringer, asked in a calm and soothing voice as she gave him a level look over the top of her glasses and notebook, "You say that he died in your arms?"

There was a ticking from the clock on the wall that was incessant. It made his muscles want to twitch as his skin crawled. Tony got up from the stereotypical therapy couch and paced his way to the window. He hated the feeling of her eyes on him while they talked about... this. And she was always writing things down on her notepad, and the action made Tony distinctly aggravated - though he couldn't understand why. He was paying her to analyze him, after all.

"Yes." He finally responded in a curt tone as his eye caught on something in the top corner of the window frame outside - a large spider-web.

Tony swallowed thickly.

From his peripheral vision, he could see Dr. Wellringer nod emphatically. "That must have been a traumatic experience for you. I'm sorry that you went through that. What would you say was your relationship with Peter Parker?"

The spider was really active in its web - the vantage point of being three stories high really must have been the ideal position to catch a lot of prey. Or... maybe all spiders were just that energetic. Like the human one that he once knew...

"...He was my intern."

His hesitation gave him away. Tony peaked back at Dr. Wellringer and there was a flash in her eye that told him that she didn't believe him. His thoughts were confirmed when she spoke. "From all that you've told me about Peter Parker, could you possibly conclude that what the two of you shared was more than just the internship?"

Tony hummed, neither confirming nor denying. The spider was now coating a fly in a thick line of sticky webbing.

The therapist pressed, though, pushing through Tony's sudden fascination of the little spider ruling its domain.

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