Chapter Thirty-One

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Chapter Thirty-One




He won the fight. Beat both the Molten Man and the Sandman. With all of the odds against him, he had somehow managed to come out on top...

So then why did it feel as though he had just lost?

After leaving Mary Jane's apartment, Peter had told Happy that he needed to swing through the city to let off some steam. It was with great reluctance that Happy let him go, but only with a warning that he was going to call Tony and tell him all that he knew of what happened tonight. "Expect a call, Kid. He's going to want more details."

Peter had reluctantly agreed, but only so that Happy would let him go. But as he thought on the impending call that would come, Peter felt an ice-cold dread at having to relive the memories of the night. The truth was, Peter wasn't quite sure what happened tonight. One moment, he was webbing up Mark Watson. And then the next... he was outside on the ground.

He really couldn't make sense of it. How had he managed to get outside? As he swung, his mind came up with a few theories. It was a great distraction tactic that served to occupy his mind away from the memory of Mary Jane crying in his arms... He shook his head and focused. The one theory that he paused at was that perhaps it was due to his spider-sense that he got out of the burning building while unconscious. It kinda creeped him out if that were true... picturing his slumbering body moving on its own accord without his mind being aware. He shivered. The other theory that he had was that perhaps it was his suit... kinda like how the parachute burst open when he got too high in the air fighting the Vulture - was his escape from the fire a defense mechanism in the suit? He'd have to ask Tony about that.

When he got to his apartment, he stuck the landing onto the side of the building and opened the window to his bedroom. He crawled in and pulled off his burnt mask. It smelled like soot and smoke. He laid it on his desk to look at later for repair and took off his suit.

He was about to go and take a shower when something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned toward his bed, confused to see the notebook of his Spider-Man notes sitting on top of his bed rather than underneath the mattress where he normally kept it. He stepped forward to pick it up, frowning down at it. Was May going through his things? He set the notebook down for a second and shrugged on the nearest t-shirt that he could find before picking it up again. He went for his bedroom door, still looking down at the notebook, puzzled.

"Hey May?" Peter asked as he walked out of the bedroom and into the hall, "Do you know why- MAY!"

In the far corner of the living room, his Aunt May sat huddled in a corner tied up tight by a long rope. Her mouth was gagged and taped shut. She had tears in her eyes as she looked up at him desperately. Throwing his notebook to the floor, Peter ran to her, his hands hovering over her mouth.

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