Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty




As Peter swung through the city of Prague for the very last time, he couldn't help but reflect on his life choices as of late...

There were so many screw-ups. So many mistakes... the only decisions he didn't regret were the ones he made surrounding Mary Jane - Choosing to stick to his guns in trying to find her rather than abandoning her for what he now knew to be a phony mission, revealing his secret identity to her once he did find her, and asking her to be his girlfriend.

Everything else... Getting on Fury's bad side, letting Beck manipulate him, not catching onto the fact that his spider-sense hadn't gone off once when fighting the Fire Elemental illusion, and handing over Mr. Stark's glasses... all stupid, idiotic mistakes.

But he would make it all right. He would warn Fury and hopefully they could come to some sort of understanding so that they were at least cordial with one another in the future. He would expose Beck as the fraud that he was, and he would reclaim the glasses that were rightfully his.

And hopefully... all of this would correct his biggest regret of all - Putting Mary Jane in danger by even allowing a villain like Beck to know of her existence. That still wouldn't fix the fact that Beck now knew Peter's secret identity - Peter cursed the day that he listened to Fury when he told Peter there was no need to wear the mask around all of the SHEILD agents - but maybe if Beck was thrown so deep underground in the Raft Prison, it would be a non-issue. He would have to cash in on a favor with Fury in order to manage that one - which would mean that he would owe Fury...

But an exchange in favors with the Director of SHEILD  was a small price to pay to help fix all the damage that had been done. Beck wouldn't be the first villain that found out his secret identity and it's been alright so far with the Vulture, Sandman, and Molten Man knowing his identity.

Finally, Peter shot a final webline and made it to the train station. Peering over at the outgoing train schedule board, he saw that the train to Berlin was leaving now. Booking it, Peter pushed himself faster than he had in quite a while to catch the moving train, successfully making it as he leapt onto the roof of the moving cars as they traversed over the tracks.

He made it.

Sighing, Peter settled down and sat onto the roof of the train, forcing himself to relax as he sat down until they arrived in Germany. Pulling out his phone, he checked the ETA for the schedule on the website and saw that it was a four-hour train ride to Berlin.

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