Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two




Peter's eyes widened as he watched the figure try to jam a crowbar through the seam in the window. For the first time since Mary Jane left New York, he was glad that she was gone. Who knows what would've happened if her and Annabelle were in that apartment right now but Peter hadn't been around? Along with the fear that he felt, there was also the prickling of anger.

This thug was really going to regret picking this particular apartment to break into. Because he really managed to easily piss off Spider-Man by doing so.

Peter rounded the corner and shot a web at the hands wrapped around the crowbar.

"Excuse me," He quipped with a biting tone, "But there is a lobby downstairs and something called a key that tends to open front doors."

The head whipped around to stare at him from underneath the dark hood. "Spider-Man?"

"Wow. I must have really made it big! The unknown criminal breaking into an apartment that isn't his own knows my name?" Spider-Man said as he shot another web at the guy's feet, tying his ankles together.

He got a growl in response. "Mind your own business, Wallcrawler. This is my sister's apartment. I've only come to get my daughter."

Red immediately tunneled his vision. Mr. Watson? This was Mr. Watson? MJ's dad was trying to break into his sister's apartment in order to kidnap his own daughter? No. Not on his watch.

"Kidnapping on top of breaking and entering? Are you trying to go for the trifecta of law-breaking?"

"You don't know what you're fucking talking about!" Mr. Watson spat as he pulled at the webbing surrounding his hands, "My daughter is a minor and didn't get my permission to leave. Now get this stuff off me, you little shit!"

Peter was trembling; he was so furious.

"Then you are going to have to go through the proper legal channels in order to get her back," Peter flipped off his position on the wall and landed right in front of the man that would dare come around after abusing and neglecting Mary Jane, "And just so you know, I will testify against you in court."

Mr. Watson's head snapped to look at him, stopping his struggle with the webbing.

"Yeah, that's right," Peter continued, his voice cold, "Spider-Man will make a public appearance in this matter and testify that I caught you trying to break and enter into your sister's apartment. Can't say you will win any brownie points with the judge on that-"

His tirade of a speech was cut off when, in a matter of seconds, the webbing melted to sticky goo around Mr. Watson's hands and a swift punch to Peter's gut sent him flying through the air - cutting all of the oxygen out of his lungs in the process. A car was driving down the street when Peter abruptly landed on its hood - the horn sent blaring immediately from the crash impact and damage made to it.

Peter coughed in order to get air into his lungs. He turned to look at the driver through the windshield. "Are you okay?!"

It was an elderly man. He looked shaken but otherwise looked to be alright. That was when the shock of the situation caught up to Peter and he whipped his head around to look up at the fire escape...

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