Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight




School on Friday passed by in an agonizingly slow manner. That, added on top of his frustration at not seeing any sign of Mary Jane's dad last night while on patrol made the daytime for Peter extremely brutal to get through. No matter what, it was always difficult for him to just sit still ever since he'd been bitten by that spider. The bubbling energy he felt inside made it nearly impossible. Add worry or concern on top of that? Peter was about to burst.

He'd have to make sure to get in some web-swinging in after school for a couple of hours before he went and picked up Mary Jane.

He sighed. Mary Jane... Despite everything, he couldn't wait to see her. Even if the very sight of her caused his mind to tumble in angst and confusion and desire - all in equal measure.

To help occupy his mind, Peter helped Harry hang fliers all over the school with his address for the party. It was weird, being so heavily involved in the planning part of the party rather than being the one that was deliberately excluded. But it was a good weird. It almost felt like the tides were changing for Peter's social life within the social hierarchy of high school. He knew that he would never be as popular as Harry, but he could now safely say that he was no longer at the bottom tier.

When the final bell for the day rang, Peter had burst out of his seat in relief. He had already had his backpack loaded and he was ready to go out and enjoy the afternoon blowing off steam until he had to return home to shower and dress for the night.

Aunt May was really excited that he was going to the party with Mary Jane, even when Peter told her that they were only going as friends. That didn't seem to matter to May as she was under the assumption that if anything, tonight was going to lead somewhere between Peter and Mary Jane. He let her have her fantasy for now, knowing that he would have to burst that bubble tomorrow morning when she asked him how his night went.

Still, the one good thing about May's excitement was that she had helped him pick out his outfit for tonight. When they had been going over the options the night before while standing in front of his open closet, May had even remarked how she liked what he was doing with his hair now.

Peter flushed at the reminder of Mary Jane's fingers against his scalp, deliberately messing up his hair. Since then, he only styled it enough to lightly tame the wild waves but otherwise, let them go free.

Mercifully, the hours seemed to pass by quickly as he swung through the city, and in no time at all, it was already time for him to return back home to his apartment. May was already waiting for him in his bedroom and practically shoved him toward the shower. He had admit, her excitement was infectious.

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