Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen




"It all went according to plan, boss," Hammerhead said as the Big Man peered out the window toward the city, his hand absentmindedly rubbing at his chin.

The Big Man leaned back in his chair. "Yes, we were able to study the wall-crawler in action. And I was right. He has some sort of sensory for danger, which was why we weren't able to kill him with the last explosion. It is a shame, though. Lincoln, Osborn, and Fisk were in that ballroom and I would've very much liked to have gotten rid of them."

Hammerhead grumbled, as was his normal manner. "So, what do we do next?"

The Big Man turned his swiveling ornate chair to look at the henchman. Spider-Man had been a thorn in his side since he began his criminal enterprise. He wasn't like the other Avengers, who focused more on defending the earth from worldly catastrophes. No, Spider-Man did both... He fought with the Avengers and focused on low-level street crime. If it didn't directly affect the Big Man, he would look at Spider-Man as a unique case study - someone he would like to inspect just to see how he ticked. Hell, he could even say that he respected his dedication. But alas, the Wall-Crawler chose to put his nose directly in his business - which made him the Big Man's biggest target.

"We continue on with the plan," He said with a definitive voice and a menacing smile, "Spider-Man will have plenty to distract him over the coming months. How has Watson been faring?"

Hammerhead grimaced. The Big Man knew that his loyal henchman would've rather just shot the man than give him this unique opportunity.

"There is something slimy about him," Hammerhead confided to him as Watson was ushered away to prep for experimentation. "I can tell his sort. He's not the type that will follow orders once he gets enough of his own power."

But what Hammerhead didn't realize was that was exactly what the Big Man was counting on. A loose cannon like Watson was sure to keep the Web-Head plenty occupied.

"Watson is in recovery now," Hammerhead said, resentment lingering in his tone.

The Big Man smiled. "Good. It won't be long now."


Peter released another web, trying to find some sort of way to release the pent-up energy he felt as well as the frustration. When he had arrived earlier at the hotel, he had found a way to sneak in through their venting system and watch through the crate for any signs of the Big Man.

He had previously considered showing up undercover but he scrapped that idea because he didn't want any sign of Peter Parker at the party, thinking that it would be a step too close for someone to look at the guests and surmise that Spider-Man was among them if he happened to show up later. And besides that, he had somehow lost the invitation.

But he was lucky that he made that decision. Because imagine his shock and dismay at seeing Mary Jane in the ballroom below - looking even more stunning than ever in that strapless, green dress and her hair curled. Hell, she looked sexy. He had even felt himself start to physically react at seeing her all dressed up, with her back nearly bare, before the situation caught up to him and fear for her clawed up his chest. He was far beyond the ramifications of if he showed up as Peter Parker and Mary Jane had seen him there and then later Spider-Man. No, by then, he was thinking of how he could possibly get her out of there before things went down with the Big Man.

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