Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven




They all sat at the table and his Aunt May helped to distribute the plates. Before that, Peter had changed from his wet clothes - again - but this time he made sure to put on something a bit nicer than the sweatshirt that he had been wearing previously. He wanted to make a better impression now and try to wipe away the memory of that whole fiasco from Mary Jane's mind...

In the meantime, his Aunt May had gotten another water bottle for Mary Jane herself because apparently Peter was no longer trusted with the task. Strange that his super strength acted up now when Peter had such tremendous control of it for months. It was as though his infatuation with Mary Jane had caused him to revert back to those first few months after he had gotten his powers... where there had been a lot of broken door handles, bottle caps, and even once the combination on his school locker had been smashed by his fingers... he hadn't been able to access it for a week...

"Thanks for having me for dinner, Mrs. Parker," Mary Jane piped up as a plate was set in front of her. "I know that you were only expecting Aunt Anna tonight..."

Waving off the slight amount of hesitance in Mary Jane's voice, Aunt May responded, "Please, call me May. And think nothing of it! We're always glad for extra company, right Pete?"

Sending an eager smile Mary Jane's way, Peter nodded. "Yeah, you're welcome over any time."

Mary Jane matched his grin which resulted in his heart to begin pounding double-time.

Annabelle chuckled. "That may be more frequent than you expect since Mary Jane here has finally agreed to move in with me."

She was beaming in that grandmotherly way again toward her niece. Anyone with eyes could see the genuine affection displayed there.

But at the words, Peter's heart stopped for just a moment as the news caught up to him, and when they did, his entire body almost quivered in excitement, "Really?"

Mary Jane bit her bottom lip to try and quell a smile. When she seemed to have it under control, she responded, "Yeah, Tiger. Looks like you got yourself a new neighbor."

"That's great!" Aunt May piped up as she flashed Peter a winning smile and a knowing glint in her eye. Was Aunt May trying to play matchmaker? If so, then... well, maybe Peter wouldn't complain all that much, to be honest. "When do you officially move in?"

"Tonight," Mary Jane said as she took the salad tongs from her Aunt Anna before she scooped some of the leafy greens onto her plate, "I have to go back to my parent's place tomorrow to get my stuff, though."

Annabelle's eyes widened significantly and she set down the fork that had been halfway to her mouth before she turned her whole body in her seat to face her niece head on. "You're going back there? Tomorrow?"

The shift in the air was a bit bizarre and Peter watched the interaction critically. Annabelle seemed almost alarmed, if not concerned. Peter knew a bit of Mary Jane's home life from what she told Spider-Man... but was it really that bad?

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