Chapter Four

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Chapter Four




All of this was completely out of the realm of possibility and Tony was more than a little agitated.

It just didn't make any sense! None of it did.

How was it that his tablet kept alerting him that Peter was in the room when Peter obviously wasn't present at all? Was there something wrong with his satellite? A bug in the system? Or maybe-


"May," Tony called out carefully to the distressed woman who was currently pacing with worry about her nephew. "You don't think that Peter took the tracker out of his suit again, do you? Like he did in D.C.?"

Yeah... he had told May all about that story - how Peter had put the tracker from his suit on a hotel lamp of all things... It had been funny to Tony after he had calmed down about it. But it was no longer humorous to him now as he thought on it. Peter wouldn't do that again, would he? Hadn't he learned the first time how disastrous that had all turned out? And how important it was that Tony had a way to trace him if Peter ever found himself in a tight spot? Like right now for instance?

Was his rebellion really taking him so far that it extended its reach to Tony as well? And not just with May?

May immediately shook her head, before pausing, suddenly looking uncertain. "I didn't think that he would have, but he did lie to me about calling you tonight. So, I guess anything is possible."

Tony stood from the barstool that he had been sitting on, and walked over to the couch where his tablet indicated Peter was located. He pulled the couch out and proceeded to look behind it, searching for the small, little microchip that was Peter's tracker.

It was nowhere in sight.

Tony frowned and looked down at his tablet once again. And what he saw caused his eyes to widen.

"His tracker moved slightly," Tony commented lowly to himself, though it still caused May to gasp aloud. He peered up at the couch that was now in the middle of the living room and back down to his tablet.

"But not in that direction..." He said, indicating to the couch that had been moved in the opposite trajectory that Peter's dot was currently on.

Tony turned his whole body towards the wall that the couch had just vacated. "It moved more in the opposite direction..."


"I think... I think I'm drifting off fast..." Spider-Man said, his voice laden thick with sleep.

When they had finally released each other from their hug earlier, they both silently decided to lie down on the bed - resting parallel while staring at the ceiling on their backs. It was clear that Spider-Man was nearing the point of exhaustion, his eye lenses drooped nearly every three seconds as he fought to stay awake.

"Well, that makes sense..." Mary Jane whispered back as she turned her position on the bed, now facing him. "You've had quite the busy night. Tends to exhaust people."

Spider-Man merely slowly nodded, in a tired and distracted manner before he turned his body on his side to face her as well.

"Are you sure that it's alright if I stay here?" He asked, his voice sounding hesitant. As if she would kick him out. Even if she wanted to, he would be dead on his feet. Luckily, seeing him disappear from her life was the very last thing that she wanted. No... her desires now centered around how much she wanted to cuddle close to his chest and feel his arms around her again. But for some reason, she found herself tentative. With other boys, she tended to flirt as though it were nothing more than an amusing game - something to do to appease the boy in question for a while before they went their separate ways forever. But this... this was far from a game. This felt real. Raw. Spider-Man somehow managed to get through all of the defensive walls that she had built in just a matter of hours - and the strangest part? She found herself far from unhappy for it. In fact, it was a welcome change. The light feeling inside of her was something that she could easily get used to, from how warm it made her feel.

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