Chapter Sixty-Eight

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 It really helps the story and motivates me to continue writing

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Chapter Sixty-Eight




Body weightless, feeling as though it were floating effortlessly in the more calmer waters of the sea, the first inkling of awareness found him. A pleasant hum rang constant at the back of his mind, a strange vibration that he had never before heard in real life but still managed to present itself as a beautiful melody as it sparked the neurons to life in his brain. Peter couldn't help but attempt to hum lightly along with it, his eyes still closed defiantly against the light shining through the window, but his efforts only jolted him out of his blissful unawareness as reality set in and he was reminded suddenly that he had no talent for singing - especially given how much his voice cracked from the effort this particular morning.

Eyes scrunching in defiance, fighting desperately to hold onto that bliss for just a moment longer, several seconds passed before Peter sighed his defeat and opened his eyes.

His first view was of the ceiling, eyes automatically snapping toward the faint old water stain there in the corner. It was something that he unfortunately noticed constantly with his enhanced senses ever since he first moved into this apartment. Next that caught his attention was the shift of a pigeon fluttering its wings past his window as it pushed off its perch before flying away.

Then finally... slight movement on the bed next to him.

Peter's head shifted over to his left, so that his cheek rested on the pillow as he took in the captivating sight of Mary Jane Watson... sound asleep in his bed. Memories from the night before flooded his mind's eye and both his stomach and his heart lurched upward with a fluttering pitter-patter sensation. His love for her was all-encompassing at that moment, he could acutely feel the swell of it rise up in his chest, threatening to burst forth some sort of declaration on his part, despite her not being awake to hear it.

As he watched the flutter of her eyelashes, shifting against the apples of her cheeks as she dreamed, Peter couldn't help but marvel at how lucky he truly was. Both his heart and body belonged to her now. And once again, due to her influence alone, Peter found himself to be a changed man. But he was far from upset by the notion... He felt enlightened to a truth that had been hidden from him all of his life.

He never knew - never expected - for love to feel like this...

It was both exhilarating and terrifying.

He was tempted to reach forward to brush aside a strand of her hair away from her face, but he feared that the action would wake her... and the randier parts of his brain recognized that he had tired her out quite a bit last night. A smile threatened at the corners of his lips at the thought, thinking of all of the ways Mary Jane had gasped and moaned his name as he drove into her over and over again.

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