Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine




Coughing and sputtering, Mary Jane stumbled her way out of the side door. The smoke was so deep in her lungs that she had a difficult time getting in a breath of fresh air. Minutes passed as she fell, bent over her knees, and continued to cough until she finally felt her bearings return to her.

She sat up with residual tears in her eyes, taking a moment to just breathe. Air had never before felt so good. The feeling of her lungs expanding and contracting with each pull of oxygen was beyond compare.

It was as she sat there when her surroundings became more acute. She looked around, blinking away the tears in her eyes to better see. She was surrounded by terrified teens doing a number of actions - crying, hyperventilating, calling the cops or their parents... it was then that the side door burst open with a kick of a foot against it and Flash ran out of the burning building with an unconscious girl in his arms. She looked so tiny and delicate that it made her heart clench. Flash set her down on the grass about ten feet away from Mary Jane before his hands started hovering over her uselessly.

"Come on, Sha Shan! Wake up, please!" He cried as he turned her head to the side to see the wound on the back of her head. It was at that moment where he must have realized that this was way beyond his capabilities as he pulled out his phone and dialed 911.

Mary Jane's attention was claimed by two jocks in letter jackets running out of the house through that same door with two people thrown over their shoulders. Mary Jane gasped as she recognized one of them. "Harry!"

He was put down on the grass roughly which caused Harry to tense up and seize his leg in pure agony. Mary Jane immediately crawled over to him. Checking his body for any signs of any other injuries. He looked a little scraped and bruised but otherwise, his leg looked to be the worst of it. "Are you alright?"

The two seniors left them on the grass, as they seemed to be in search of their friends to make sure that they made it out of the house too.

"My leg," Harry hissed out in pain, his face flushed with exertion and the leftover heat from just vacating the smoke-filled room, "I think it's broken."

Peering down at the leg, Mary Jane nodded seriously. "I think that the ambulance is already on their way." Then she looked up and around at the people gathered in the side yard... searching. But coming up empty. "You wait here. I'm going to go look for Peter to see if he made it out alright."

Harry had his eyes scrunched tight in pain as he nodded staggeredly at her. She took that as his permission for her to leave - not that she needed it - as she stood onto shaky feet and stumbled successfully towards the front yard, where everyone else had gathered. There was a lot more sobbing up front but there also seemed to be more people that looked to be in a state of shock. The fire department had yet to arrive, so she meandered through the cluttered clumps of teens huddled together, looking specifically for one boy with tousled brown hair and dashing good looks.

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