Chapter Thirty-Three

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Chapter Thirty-Three




The rain was freezing, making his suit cling tight to his body in an uncomfortable manner that had him itching to get out of it. Which was why he was glad that he was able to head back home now - where warm, dry clothes were calling his name.

Peter had just received the news that Adrian Toomes voluntarily returned himself to prison. He saw it on the Mega Screen in Times Square - completely flabbergasted to see The Vulture casually stroll up to the prison entrance as though he hadn't a care in the world... He could only wonder at what this elusive 'errand' was that Toomes felt the need to break out of prison for, but Peter was glad that it was over and done with.

There was something about Adrian Toomes that made Peter uneasy. Perhaps it's because he was Spider-Man's first major villain. Or maybe it had something to do with the fact that he knew Peter's secret identity and could choose to blow the lid off of everything whenever he wanted.

Yeah... Peter would be lying if he said that he wasn't breathing a bit easier knowing that The Vulture was behind bars, once again. And with additional security this time.

It wasn't long before he made it back to his apartment building and opened the window with his sticky fingers to his bedroom. He crawled in and whipped the uncomfortably wet mask off of his head, feeling his unruly hair stick up in all sorts of directions in the process.

But instead of immediately changing into fresh clothes, Peter marched to his bedroom door and opened it.

"May?" He called out, stepping out into the hall. Ever since the night that he found her bound and gagged, he always made sure to check on her as soon as he returned to the apartment. It may be a bit impractical but it helped to put his mind at ease.

Peter found her in the kitchen, cooking some banana pancakes. They smelled delicious. Aunt May looked up at him with a smile before it faltered somewhat at the sight of him. "You're dripping water everywhere, Pete!" She scolded as she grabbed a towel and stepped forward to wipe up the puddle of dripping water that lay at his feet. She began to shoo him back to his bedroom. "Go and get out of that thing before I have to go get a mop bucket!"

Peter couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he put his hands up in an appeasing manner. "Okay, okay! I'm going. Just wanted to check up on you."

She rolled her eyes at him but he managed to catch sight of the small, affectionate smile that she directed his way as he backed away toward his bedroom door, which he entered and closed behind him.

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