Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine




Peter zipped up into the air, latched himself to the wall of the building before he crawled over the ledge of the rooftop. He stopped and straightened before he started to pace. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Let fate help me find you?! What the hell was that?!"

Groaning, he ran his gloved hand over his goggled eyes.

He was an idiot.

An embarrassment.

In truth, he always had issues in controlling his filter but maybe it was time to really practice holding things back without blurting every thought that crossed his mind.

But... as cheesy as it was, at least it got his message across. He wanted to see her again, but it was really out of his hands. It was safer for her that she wasn't seen with Spider-Man. It was bad enough Toomes knew his secret identity.

With a heavy sigh, Peter turned back around and stealthily watched as Mary Jane walked out of the alley. True, she was never in any danger in this particular alleyway. He didn't necessarily have to reveal himself to her... but the thought that she would start to make a habit of going down sketchy alleys or streets just because she thought Spider-Man might be around? It scared the living hell out of him. He hoped that she wouldn't continue to do that now that he had sorta intervened... what if something happened while he wasn't around?

But... if he were being perfectly honest with himself, he knew that he chose to reveal his presence to Mary Jane because he just... wanted to talk to her. It was strange... he had only known her for one night but he missed her so much. Especially in his bouts of boredom... when Ned couldn't come over to play video games and help him retrieve some of his memories. Even now he found himself missing her when he had only just seen her.

An insurmountable amount of tension left him as he saw Mary Jane finally exit the alleyway and step out onto the public street. He would stick around for a while... follow her for a little bit. He wanted to make sure she got somewhere safe.

Did this make him a bit of a stalker?

Peter's thoughts rebelled against the idea, telling himself that his intentions were strictly pure... it was only about her safety. Nothing more.

But... the memory of her pressed against him, shrouded by the darkness of the alleyway, assaulted his mind.

Peter pushed it away. He couldn't allow himself the luxury of thinking that way again. Not if this was the last time that he could be potentially seeing her.

He followed her for a few blocks before finally noting that the streets were starting to fill with people again.

She would be safe the rest of the way to wherever it was she was going. He'd better leave now before the temptation of finding out where she lived would be too much for him.

He didn't want to become an actual stalker.

With that thought, he bid a silent farewell to the gorgeous Mary Jane, perhaps for forever, before he zipped off into the early night.


Peter landed on the window sill outside of his bedroom and tried to open it as quietly as he could manage. He wasn't sure if Aunt May was home... but he didn't want to test that theory by making it known that he had deliberately defied her by sneaking out to fight as Spider-Man.

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