Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty




The sirens off in the distance were resounding louder and louder as it cut through the night air with their speeding approach. But none of it was as loud as the noise that she felt pounding inside her head. Like a buzzing white noise that canceled out any other distraction from the outside world. All the while, her focus was acutely honed in on Peter Parker's face.

Peter is Spider-Man ...

Spider-Man is Peter ...

For a long moment, that was all that her mind was able to comprehend. There was not much deeper thought with the reverberant shock that she could feel throughout her entire body, even straight down to her toes.

So all that she did was stare. And memorize his features...

That is until small bits of reality started to slip in through the cracks on the mental wall she had recently built in her mind. As she was looking at his face, she became more aware of the bloody cuts and bruises littered across his exposed skin. Worry deepened within her gut as she surveyed them. He was still unconscious... Was he alright?

Mary Jane shifted her own aching body as she carefully extracted herself from underneath him, making sure to slowly lower his head to the ground by supporting its weight. Then, she crawled off to the side to sit beside him on her knees. All the while, she was taking shallow breaths from inhaling too much smoke.

Her hands hovered over his form uselessly, trying to figure out what to do or how to help him. She couldn't take him to the approaching ambulance, could she? She hesitated. Surely he avoided hospitals on occasions such as this... but what if he was gravely injured?

"Oh God, Peter... Please be alright."

As she panted in heaving breaths, she inspected his face... before confusion struck her. She could have sworn that the cuts on his face had been openly bleeding a moment before. And though they still looked fresh, the wounds did look significantly better the longer that she studied them. A memory struck her of the night that she met him - as Spider-Man, not as Peter. They had both surmised that he had enhanced healing abilities, which is what helped to heal his mind so quickly. A part of her was fascinated to watch it happen right before her eyes. The other part... it told her that this was a good indicator that he would be waking up soon.

As if to prove this, Peter let out a slight groan in his unconscious state. His eyelashes fluttered slightly against his cheekbones.

Mary Jane released a shaky breath. "Okay." Her eyes blinked away tears. "Okay."

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