Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five




It was with great persuasion on Mary Jane's part that she somehow convinced him to bring his camera on the walk. In a way, he was glad that he did bring it - they laughed about random things that caught their eye and Mary Jane would sometimes direct him to take a picture of something that she found to be interesting. She did this a lot by suddenly grabbing at his forearm and tugging him excitedly while pointing enthusiastically with her other hand.

It was the most carefree he's felt since he had danced with Mary Jane on the dance floor at Harry's party. All of his worries seemed to just melt away...

They were walking along and Peter caught a glimpse of a tree up ahead that was an early bloomer with the autumn colors - with green leaves intermixed with a deep red. He slowed his pace while Mary Jane continued on none the wiser. He got in line, lifted his camera before saying, "Hey, MJ!"

She stopped and twirled to face him just as he pointed and snapped the candid shot. The wide-eyed look that she gave was beautiful when paired with the curious tickle of a smile on her lips. Peter lowered the camera with a grin. "Sorry. Some of the best pictures come from candid moments."

Mary Jane shook her head at him, amused. "You do realize that you're saying that to someone who wants to pose in front of the camera for a living?" As she said this, she stepped closer to him so that she was shoulder to shoulder. He could feel her heat even though their jackets and it caused him to want to give into the sensation to shiver. He managed to resist, all the while acutely aware of her close proximity. "Can I see?"

Her head was bowed over the camera screen and Peter nodded before he brought up the latest picture. As they both looked at it, he surmised that he was right - this was probably one of his favorite pictures of MJ, looking so buoyant and happy in such a simple setting. But Mary Jane gave a hum of distaste.

He shot a perplexed look down at her. "What? You don't like it?"

Her gaze left the photo as she glanced up at him and gave him a nonchalant shrug. "Eh, it's alright. There's just something missing from it."

Peter's attention went back to the picture, trying to understand what she meant. In his eyes, the picture was perfect.

Mary Jane finally took pity on him as she playfully hit his shoulder with a small giggle. "You, Peter. The picture is missing you."

"Wha- Oh, no, Red... I'm much better behind the camera, trust me," Peter said bashfully, all the while she was tugging at his arm again and pulling him into position beside her in front of the rare autumn tree. "I thought that it was illegal to take a selfie with a tiger in New York!" Peter protested.

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