Chapter Sixty-Nine

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A/N: BIG NEWS!!!!!!!! As a special thank you for sticking with this story for this latest milestone of 500,000 words, Spider-Who now has an AUDIOBOOK version on Youtube that you can listen to! FOR FREE!! Look up 'BrookasaurusRex' for the Youtube channel.

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Again, THANK YOU for reading 500,000 words of my rambling story.




Chapter Sixty-Nine




"Jonah, please! Rethink this," Robbie Robertson pleaded as he fought to keep pace with his fiercely determined boss, nearly tripping over his own feet with the effort. Jonah walked like a rampaging bull at times, especially whenever he was worked up over matters that particularly boiled his blood. This was one of those instances, and resulted in Robbie having to do an awkward half-run as they stormed across the Daily Bugle studio, making their way to the sound stage as interns worked on dabbing makeup on Jonah's face, preparing for him to go live for his latest tirade. "Spider-Man is a hero! If you continue to bash him and you're proven wrong, it will ruin the Daily Bugle's reputation!"

It was the same speech that he's been reciting for months now ever since the Blipped has returned, including Spider-Man amongst its numbers. It renewed Jonah's vigor when it came to spewing his hatred for the wall-crawler - something that had died down a bit after Spider-Man had been confirmed as one of Thanos' victims. But now with the web-head's return, Jonah's passionate hatred came back tenfold, and viewership of the Daily Bugle broadcast was steadily increasing because of it, even more so than the newspaper sales.

"Then answer me this, Robbie!" Jonah barked with an abrupt pause of his feet as he whirled to face Robbie head on, startling him as he pointed the lit cigar he had in hand mere inches away from his chest, "If he's a hero - and that's a very large 'if' - then why does he feel the need to hide his face like he's some sort of robber?!"

"It's probably because-"

"And that's not to mention all of the mass destruction to public property that the web-headed menace has caused! First the Washington Monument, then the splitting of the ferry, then Coney Island, and now most recently, the whole damn city of London!"


"THAT MASKED MENACE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!" Jonah raged as he threw his cigar onto the concrete floor before stamping it out with his expensive Italian leather dress shoes. Once it was successfully extinguished, he jabbed his pointed finger right under Robbie's nose as he added, "And I seem to be the only one willing to step up and do something about it!"

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