Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Chapter Thirty-Seven




"Mr. Stark!" Peter exclaimed, dropping his pillow on the floor altogether. Tony was back! The urge to run up to him and throw his arms around the man was strong but he managed to resist - he was supposed to only be an intern, after all. Such familiarity in front of Harry and Mary Jane would surely raise more than a few questions. But just seeing him quelled the undercurrent of worry that had been brewing underneath the surface ever since Tony had left. So many questions flitted through his mind. Why is he back? Did he defeat the Mandarin? Peter would have thought that he'd have heard about that on the news if he had, but maybe there was something secretive about it all? If yes, Peter hoped that Tony would tell him all of the details. One thing that Peter knew was for certain was that Tony got in some sort of fight judging by the state of him. He looked dead exhausted by the look of the heavy bags under his eyes. Peter also eyed the cut on Tony's forehead with concern but the look that he got in return was bemusement - from both Tony and his Aunt May.

Hell, Aunt May looked like a cat that ate the canary as she eyed Mary Jane's presence close next to him. Peter was actively avoiding looking at Mary Jane because of this fact, but all of his senses were honed in on her body standing right next to his.

"I found him in the lobby," Aunt May explained with a smile, trying to cover up her devious and nefarious intentions regarding his love life... or lack there of.

"Yep," Tony confirmed as he eyes roamed over all of his friends, a twitch of amusement on his lips, "I came by to give you another assignment but it looks like I caught you at a bad time."

It was a coverup, Peter knew that for sure. Tony wasn't here to pass on an assignment to him because the internship excuse was bogus. He was coming by to let Peter know that he was alright. Tony was checking in with Peter the same way he always expected Peter to check in with him. Something swelled inside of him at the thought. They were well and truly a team now, weren't they? Somewhere along the way since Berlin, Tony had grown to trust him and brought Peter into his inner circle.

"Right," Peter said before he turned to his friends. Harry and Ned's eyes were especially wide as they eyed the billionaire superhero. He had never before seen Harry so affected by anything. He was usually so blasé by what life threw at him - rolling with the punches, if you will. "You remember Mary Jane, right? And this is Ned and Harry. We were just...." Peter flushed as he remembered the scene of what they walked into. "Goofing off?"

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