Chapter Fifty-Four

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A/N: Please like, subscribe, and comment! It really helps my motivation to continue writing this story

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Chapter Fifty-Four




As soon as Peter released the first web that attached to the next building, he lifted his free hand to the side of his mask, pressing against it before commanding, "Call May Parker."

He knew that he was kinda a jerk for calling her now, as it was currently one o'clock in the morning in New York, but Peter knew that he couldn't hold off on contacting her for much longer, and he wasn't sure when he would next have the time to do so. It's been several days since he's called May and she must be so worried about him... and besides all that, Peter really just missed the sound of her voice. Because after everything that's happened these last several weeks, Peter couldn't help but appreciate those he cared about... at least, the ones that were left.

It only took two rings for the line to connect.

"Peter?" May's frantic voice echoed in his brain through his ear-pieces.

"Hey, Aunt May." Peter replied with a shaky smile, suddenly overcome with thick emotion from how good it was to hear her voice. The only thing better would be if he could fall into her protective embrace at that very moment, quelling all of his fears and she soothed away all of the hurt and pain.

"Thank God!" May gasped in relief just as Peter shot another web, propelling him further in the sky. "I haven't heard from you in a while. It's so good to hear your voice."

Guilt pricked at his conscience. There he was again, always letting the people he loved down. It shamed him when he recalled that for days, he hadn't really even thought of Aunt May... he had been too consumed by his hunt for Mary Jane's whereabouts. Still, Peter managed a small smile at the fact that she seemed so pleased to be finally hearing from him, apparently already forgiven for Peter's lack of care on his aunt's own frazzled nerves.

He didn't deserve her.

"You too, May," Peter said softly as he released another web, bypassing Prague's Astronomical Clock, with tourists and locals alike exclaiming and pointing up at him as he passed. His heart tightened from how much he longed to be held in her secure arms, reassuring him that the world wasn't quite as large as he currently perceived it to be. Still, he swallowed against the urge and instead asked, "How's everything?"

Below, there were gasps and exclamations from the populace as he swung by, but Peter didn't pay them any mind, hyperfocused on his destination and his conversation with May.

"None of that now," May said, waving off his inquiry with her voice alone, "I want to hear about you. Any updates?"

At this, Peter actually gave a genuine smile. Finally some good news that he could provide.

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