Chapter Five: Goblet of Fire

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One month after she opened her shop, it was still running as busy as it had been since day one. She was surprised honestly, but she was incredibly happy. Often, she would be sending an owl out with deliveries for people who had ordered chocolate from her. Once a week, she would send some chocolate to Oliver, which he could share with his team if he felt like it. The funny thing was, he didn't really like sharing his chocolate, but he did share so his team would want to order chocolate from his girlfriend's shop.

Lupin worked in the back, and he was really good at his job. Celeste made sure to pay him well, even though he didn't believe he deserved much since he thought he only did bare minimum when it came to his work. Honestly, if it wasn't for Lupin's help, Celeste would be swamped, but no matter how many times she told him that, he never truly believed her.

She recieved plenty of orders for chocolate from Hogwarts students. At least once every week, she'd have to send about twenty or more boxes full of chocolate to the students, and she sent some samples out to the students that didn't have the money to buy chocolate like the others. She may not have been poor in her life, but she knew what it was like to watch someone else have something and her not be able to have it, and she didn't want the students to feel like that if she could help it.

Sometimes when she recieved orders for chocolate from the professors, she'd send one extra bitter one to a couple of the professors she wasn't very fond of. So, Dumbledore, Snape, and Moody would get one bitter; she didn't have anything against Moody really, other than him getting Lupin's spot after Lupin quit because people were trash.

Fred and George had sent her a letter recently, asking her if she knew anything about the Triwizard Tournament taking place at Hogwarts. She hadn't known about it taking place at Hogwarts, but she knew what the tournament was. People had gotten seriously injured, and one had died before, because of the tournament, so Celeste was pissed that the tournament was happening at Hogwarts.

The twins told her about two other schools being at Hogwarts for the tournament; Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. In three weeks, Hogwarts would have their first Hogsmeade trip, and she knew her shop would be flooded with students from Hogwarts, as well as from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. She hoped that would double her sales, and she'd possibly be able to start sending chocolate to other places.

Exactly one week after the other schools arrived, the champions had been chosen. One week until the students had their Hogsmeade trip, the champions had been chosen, and Celeste had recieved a letter from Fred and George again. They had informed her of the champions that were going to be participating in the tournament; Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff,  Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons, and Viktor Krum from Durmstrang. When she read the last name on the list, her stomach had become sick; Harry Potter.

The tournament was supposed to be made where only wizards and witches seventeen and older could participate, but somehow Harry had gotten himself in the tournament. She wanted to believe that he hadn't put his name in the goblet, but she remembered just how much he put himself in danger while she was still in Hogwarts, so she didn't know if he was innocent or not. She gave him the benefit of the doubt, but she promised herself if she heard from her father at all because of Harry's misfortune, she would blame him and she would begin to really believe Harry put his own name in the goblet.

Speaking of hearing from her father, he still hadn't contacted her at all. What she didn't know, was that he had gone to Hogsmeade once after Celeste had opened her shop. She didn't know, but he had sat out front, hidden from sight, watching her work for hours. His heart had clenched watching his little girl, but he didn't do anything to change the way their relationship was. He believed she was too grown and angry at him that she'd never forgive him; besides, he knew Harry needed him, and he didn't need to be overly distracted from his godson.

The little boy had nobody, but Celeste had people. Celeste had Lupin, and technically she had the Malfoys–even if they really didn't seem to want anything to do with her anymore—and she had Oliver Wood, her boyfriend. Sirius had felt a bit overprotective when he seen the two together, but he didn't do anything about it. To be honest, he knew he didn't have much authority over them. To him, Harry had nobody, and he never seemed to see that the Weasleys and Hermione were all there for Harry. Harry had people to support him, but Celeste really only had Lupin and Oliver; and occasionally the Weasley twins, of course.

She would include Oliver's friends, but she didn't want to include them, since she didn't know if Oliver would be upset that she was friends with his friends. She doubted he'd be mad, since he always invited her into their group, and he was happy when they sent her Christmas presents, but she didn't want to assume anything. If she did include them though, she would have three more people's support, but that was it.

Harry Potter had many people, even if he didn't really see it. Practically half of the wizarding world would throw themselves in front a killing curse for Harry, but not many would for Celeste. Celeste was practically invisible to the world, unlike Harry, but Sirius didn't see that. He only seen his favorite child, and he never seen his daughter. Not once did he seem to care, but Celeste had began to accept it. She had her family, which wasn't blood related, but she loved them anyway. She had chosen them, they had chosen her, and she was happy...

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