Healing and Love

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Info - sick reader, insecure reader

"Regulus, you have Quidditch practice," I said groggily.

"Yup I do," he agreed, again trying to push the spoonful of tonic in my mouth. He'd been so fussy that Madam Pomfrey had thrown her hands up in defeat and just gave him all my necessities since he was "such a know it all".

"So go!" I begged him. I felt so guilty. Sirius and him had just gotten on better terms this year, yet when his brother had come to the hospital wing, asking Regulus to accompany him to Hogsmede, Reg had pleasantly declined. Several of his Slytherin friends had also appear and asked for his time. He'd declined them all.

"It isn't like it's dragon pox or anything," I sniffled.

"I told the captain I'm not going to be at practice until you're better, now take the tonic," he urged.

I did as he asked and made a face at the taste.

"You're cute," he kissed my nose. I began to cry and he looked terrified.

"What is it Mon amour?" He asked worriedly, gathering me up in his arms.

"I'm hogging you, I'm keeping you away from things. You even turned down Sirius for me. I just want you to be happy," I sobbed.

"Ohhh baby," he sighed and kissed my too warm temple.

"You know I'm happiest with you. If I did any of those things I'd just spend the whole time worrying and I wouldn't be very fun to be around."


"When you forced me down to the Great Hall for dinner yesterday all I did was ask Remus about different diseases and remedies until James screamed at me to shut up and go back to you because I was annoying him."

"How did I get such a sweet boy?" I asked finally.

"By being you, angel," he said, and crawled into the bed with me. I cuddled back against him, knowing he wouldn't take "what if you get sick?" Seriously, because I'd tried that many times.

"Let me read and cuddle you to sleep," he said, picking up the muggle book Narnia that he knew comforted me. I let him do as he wished, warm with the knowledge he didn't feel like he was wasting his time at all.

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