Part Of You (P1)

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Info - Regulus with toxic fam, teenage pregnancy, worried about being a good dad

I woke up and I didn't feel Regulus next to me. I was worried. He was a sleep walker with trauma. I needed to find him.

I found him in the first place I looked, the baby's bedroom. He was holding our baby boy Pippin. I'd fallen pregnant in our last year at Hogwarts. We weren't married but he'd bought us a house with his money quickly. Regulus had been oddly distant with Pippin. I hadn't expected that from him with how loving he was with me.

"I love you baby, you are my treasure," he sang to Pippin. I was shocked. I could tell the song was of his own creation, the tune was wobbly and uneven.

"My sweet little baby, angel boy," he sang. I slid into the room and put my arms around his waist. In seconds he was sobbing, his body contracting and shaking.

"What is it my love?" I asked.

"I love him. I love him with my whole heart," he almost wailed.

"That's good baby, that's so wonderful."

"I can't do it, I know I can't. I won't be a good dad. I can't stop holding him, I can't stop looking at him. Baby, he looks like me, he has curly hair and my eyes."

"You act like that's a bad thing," I chuckled.

"It is, I don't want him to be like me. I want to be a good dad. I should be better."

"Regulus, sweetheart, you are amazing. You are a great dad, you will continue to be a great dad. My dear Regulus, you have loved me and supported me and been everything I need. Baby, your parents are pieces of shit, but you aren't. You deserve to love your baby. He's part you."

"You're right," he nodded with tears in his eyes. "He is part me."

"Yes, so be as loving as you want. You're a good dad. I love you and he does too."

"Thank you mon amour," he sniffed.

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