Don't Date a Marauder (P7)

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Info - friends to lovers, reader being promiscuous, very drunk Reg, wardrobe malfunction, subby Reg, mommy kink, love potion, realization, kinda cheating, couple argument, regulus being a little mean, hot and cold actions, rules about relationships, kinda toxic mindset about relationships, reader with big boobs, Sirius jokingly calling reader slut, mentioning cumming in boxers/abusive parents/running away from home/injuries, smoking, grinding on someone

Regulus was still being closed off to me in the morning and needing me at night. He was so damn hot and cold it made my blood boil. Finally, there was the party.

"You've got to look good enough to break up a relationship," Lily said almost sternly.

"That sounds really sketchy," I said as Mary straightened my hair.

"Look, he was kinda yours first," Marlene reminded me.

"Yeah but Marauders don't date Marauders," I said sadly.

"That's what I'm saying," Marlene drawled. "Would you have asked him out before this if it weren't for your brother's ridiculous rule?"

"Oh absolutely," I said honestly.

"Well then," Marlene said.

"I guess, what am I wearing?" I asked. Dorcas came out with it beaming. It was scandalous, skimpier than anything I'd ever worn.

"No way," I said.

"What why?" Dorcas pouted. "I worked so hard on it."

"Do you see my tits?" I asked.

"I actually have, they're delectable," she teased.

"Baby, thin ice," Marlene muttered.

"You said it too!" She accused.

"Ladies, let the woman finish," Lily called as she worked on contouring my face correctly.

"My boobs are HUGE, that outfit is ASKING for a wardrobe malfunction," I exclaimed.

"So make sure if there's a malfunction, it happens around Regulus," Dorcas smirked.

"Holy shit, what if, what if he does the thing again and he's pissed at me?" I asked worriedly.

"What thing?" They asked.

"Where he, you know he um, the cum," I said, cheeks heating. It had been incredibly sexy in my opinion. They'd said it was a bit weird, but definitely a good sign.

"Oh that, well, if he does, just let him know it's natural and it doesn't have to change anything unless he wants it to. Stay open."

I was finally done. A black and grey Smokey eye made my eyes stand out. My face was angular and dewy. My hair was straight but had some good volume. I was wearing silvery jewelry. My top was just two straps of fabric criscrossed over me like muggle seatbelts that made sure my nipples were covered but not much else. The skirt was a maroon and barely covered my ass. I wore silver stilettos. I took a breath and I walked into the party.

"Okay, I swear to god if you steal my crown as the group slut I will avada kadavra you," Sirius joked. Both Black brothers had cigarettes, but Regulus couldn't take a drag because his mouth had dropped open.

"Hey Reg, where's Pandora?" I asked him. He gulped.

"Um we had a fight," he said.

"Oh no," I said and wrapped my arms around him in a comforting hug.

"It's okay," I said and ran my hands through his curls. He was shuddering.

"What was it about?" I asked.

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