Sirius's Theatrics

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A/N - I saw this as a Jegulus idea but since I don't write jegulus, I thought I'd alter it a bit bc it was a cute idea imo

"Sirius what is the matter?" I asked him for the billionth time. We were at his and Remus's house and he seemed to look at me with a Bassett hound's mournful eyes every time he saw me. Except the look wasn't explicitly mournful, his eyes turned big and weepy like the hound's but he looked excited and nostalgic.

"Do you remember when Regulus made you a flower crown in first year and said it would work like an invisibility cloak to you for your mean parents?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes. It was one of mine and Regulus's most repeated stories.

"Yes of course," I said as I looked through the mail the owl had brought. Regulus and I were here to help with the twins Remus and he had just adopted. They'd decided to start a new tradition, not of stars and wolves and moons, but of flowers. So, the pair of twin girls were named Larkspur and Honeysuckle. They were both from very troubled homes and taking care of them had proved a hard job even for four wizards.

"And when he gave you our family ring in fourth year!" Sirius was full on weeping now. He'd always been dramatic but I had no reason for this show.

"Darling, get it together," Remus growled.

"I can't. Remember when I was stupid and left the house and she took care of him. You remember that! They've grown up so much. Those poor little teenagers all alone but now they're so so in love and happy together."

Sirius was a mess. He rushed to me and grabbed me in his arms and shook with sobs.

"You bandaged his ribs when Orion went too far," he wept. "You're PERFECT for one another. I couldn't be happier for my little brother."

Finally, the reason for his theatrics clicked in my mind. I sighed, rolled my eyes and hugged Sirius back. I looked at Remus and made a face. He nodded, confirming my suspicion.

I heard the soft footsteps of my boyfriend, the ones only I ever seemed to pick up on. He could sneak up on anyone but me. I shook Sirius off me to kiss his brother good morning.

"Hey baby, I have a request," I said.

"Anything for my girl," he smiled adoringly.

"Can you move the proposal up to say, tomorrow, I can't deal with weepy Sirius for very long," I said, slipping my arms around his waist with a smirk.

"Sirius really!" Regulus snapped but still wrapped an arm around me. "A day, you couldn't keep quiet for a day? I knew I only should have told Remus."

"I c-can't help it!" He wailed. "You're the most beautiful couple in the whole world.... I mean other than me and moony, but we don't count because we're basically Gods."

"I'm going to kill you," Regulus said, pouncing on his brother.

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